Komentar :
Kharisma Putri Aurum (20/05/2018 05:56)
On time departure 2/10 🙄
☑️ Mushola
☑️ Mini mart
☑️ Toilet
Anw, you should try the dimsum. Since they rarely depart on time, waiting at the dimsum corner would be great.
R.Hariansjah Azim (15/05/2018 06:05)
I often use this travel to go back to cinere... Because only this travel that have a special route to cinere... 😁
Zulfikar Jafar (14/05/2018 06:02)
A trip with bad air conditioner..!!
Cheapest travel from bandung to jakarta (viceversa)...ofcourse standard service and facility but it's good enaught for traveling from Bandung to Jakarta. You can purchase a ticket directly from Baraya outlet or order through mobile aplication that available for download from google-play. There are some destination to Jakarta areas such as Sarinah, Blok M, Cikini, Tebet Supomo, Kelapa Gading and others surrounding areas outside Jakarta. Have a nice trip..!!
Ardiansyah Hana (25/04/2018 16:26)
Really economic. For more deals, better booking online. I got discount 45%.
Dita Danastri (09/04/2018 01:40)
This is located inside the gas station. Travel agency that many destinations; Lenteng Agung, Bintaro, BSD, Cinere etc. The service is worth the price (one of the cheapest); sometimes it will depart so late till several hours due to traffic jam. U can buy foods or snacks while you're waiting bcs the place is next to food stalls and minimarket. Mushalla and toilet are available here.
lia sinaga (19/02/2018 09:38)
Bad services! Two hours waiting already, and the operators told that we were waiting for the driver from jkt because there is no more car, but the fact is the driver took a nap! Really a wasting time!!
Nizar Paris (11/02/2018 11:03)
money saver; if you are going for low cost/budget trip, this travel service is your option then! well, dont expect too high though, money talks!
Gresa Palma (19/12/2017 09:30)
Cheapest tickets. And not gonna sugar-coat it, they have a giant-turd quality service. you order a trip and you're the ONLY passenger, mostly they will make you wait til the next schedule but tells you that the car is running late. Forget this one if you're in a rush. Such a waste of time.
Also happens with their cargo. Late delivery. 🙄
Denaldy Nataniel (24/09/2017 02:31)
You get what you pay for, relatively cheap so you can expect not so great facilities they're offering. But overall it does the job. If you need a cheap alternative other than bus to take you outside of the town then this is a perfect one for you.
wisnu ardiansah (06/11/2017 18:32)
Good attitude drivers and staff
Quote inspiring on many spots "Sedekah itu Hebat"
Sorta carol (15/10/2017 07:08)
Good option for money but If you value your time, don’t take this travel. It always late (30 minutes most of the time) and takes time break in the middle of the way. Even the customer service don’t feel bad, when the shuttle late to depart, they just said “Oh the car is just coming and the driver take break” after made me waiting for 30 minutes.
Mirza Ramadhan (14/10/2017 14:13)
First time use it and i think that was great, they're going in time and they have nice minibus (the one that i used was isuzu) even for the first time it getting much time for making the air conditioner can be feel and the driver is quiet, he talk when he need to talk to us 😅, with idr88.000 i think is worth it to use it
Marissa Maghein (26/08/2017 14:13)
Baraya Travel is The one of travel from Jakarta to Bandung and Bandung to Jakarta and the price is Rp.85000. I'm not recommend this transportation to you if you are "the-on-time-person" because baraya travel often delayed because traffic jamed. But this is the cheaper transportation and has many shelters in both city Jakarta and Bandung.
Atjep Irwanto (05/08/2017 10:12)
A busy travel during weekend, need to consider providing decent waiting room with nice coffee shop
katon wahyudi (15/07/2017 07:39)
the best transport facilities to go to jakarta or bekasi from bandung with their comfy minibus every 1 hour departure...
Wahyudin Supriyadi (03/07/2017 09:57)
Kenapa hanya 3 stars ? Karena Ruang reservasi & ruang tunggu di pool Surapati BDG tidak nyaman, full smoking berbahaya bagi anak kecil, balita, dan ibu hamil. Bangku tunggu juga keras hanya besi. Kurang aman juga sebab pengamen & pengemis mudah datang keluar masuk karena ruang reservasi & ruang tunggu terbuka tidak ada pintu. Perhatianlah hai BARAYA pada kenyamanan dan keamanan calon penumpang, pasangi AC agar sejuk, dan pasang pintu agar aman. Dan tidak mahal untuk mengganti bangku-bangku tunggu dengan lapisan jok berbusa kan :) . Namun untuk harga perjalanan memang baraya termurah dibanding travel bus lainnya untuk tujuan JKT-BDG pp. Semoga Baraya bisa lebih baik dimasa mendatang dan sukses dalam bisnisnya.
eva farida wulansari (02/07/2017 19:45)
they have early morning schedule, start from 2am monday...so, if you need a travel on monday early morning, just go there. its near Pusdai
antonius irianto (23/06/2017 09:49)
Good option for low budget travel from bandung to jakarta
Edmund Solaiman (17/06/2017 14:40)
Good cars, decent drivers thoroughly spread out pool options in Jakarta and Bandung and the cheapest shuttle option available. The only problem they have is their commitment to time, 4 out of 5 times you can be sure they are late, but then again, cheap, good, safe and lots of destination options.
Yasmin Nindya Chaerunissa (28/04/2017 07:03)
Adequate facilities, e.g. canteen, toilet, and waiting room. Free electricity.
angga dwiartama (24/04/2017 12:00)
affordable bandung-jakarta travel
rafat admajaya (20/04/2017 12:30)
Sekarang Baraya travel tidak mempedulikan kepuasan konsumen nya. Masa pas saya beli tiket sudah berdiri hampir dua menit, tp dia telfonan tanpa menanggapi kehadiran saya. Hari ini saya mau ke Jakarta (dr badung) udah nunggu 3 jam, katanya sih macet. Tp pas saya cek di waze gak macet macet amat. Udah deh cukup naik Baraya
Gumilang Reza Andika (06/04/2017 10:29)
Not special. Typical waiting room for shuttle bus. Not that clean but what do you expect.
Dela Rahmi (25/02/2017 04:40)
cs nya payahhhhh
Aditya Diveranta (30/01/2017 21:10)
The cheapest shuttle bus that goes to Jakarta from Bandung. It's used by many of mid-class commuters from Bandung.
tahan tobing (15/01/2017 14:54)
The cheapest shuttle bus to Jakarta (so far). However, the quality of the drop point is so good. The driver also drive carefully. Honestly saying, I was so happy and enjoy while using the services. I recommend Baraya for the best service quality and safety assurance.
Gisella Thiofanny (20/08/2016 04:13)
Their air circulation is really bad, and people do smoke inside this place. What an awful place to be in. Oh, I was applying for my membership and they lost my files. I went to this place for nothing.
Cheap price shouldn't be traded with cheap quality. Oh and being late is their best quality
Fedora Fei (03/06/2016 15:18)
The cheapest shuttle bus to Jakarta (so far). However, the quality of the drop point is not so good. The driver also didn't drive carefully. Honestly saying, I was so nervous and worried while using the services. I think I prefer to pay more for better service quality and safety assurance.
Tommy Pratomo (01/09/2016 02:45)
Travel murah meriah dgn servis seadanya. Perlu penambahan kursi tempat tunggu penumpang dan toilet yg lbh kayak.
Ketepatan waktu pergi hrs lbh ditingkatkan.
Winsa Rizqi (06/08/2016 10:34)
Jangan pernah naik baraya. Emang murah, tapi ada harga ada kualitas dan profesionalisme. Jadwal keberangkatan jam 4, mobil baru datang jam 7. 3 jam. Tempat nunggunya pun tidak layak. Kecil, sumpek dan kotor.
Denagn harga 85K, mending naik XTrans dibandingkan Baraya. Ketepatan waktunya patut diacungi jempol. Dan tempatnya tidak sekumuh Baraya
e. hardiyanto (17/06/2016 08:22)
low cost travel bandung jakarta
Job Media Media (15/05/2016 11:34)
Ruang tunggunya kurang nyaman. Armada juga kurang nyaman. Bangku kurang lega. Bad lah untuk harga agak mahal dg kualitas
Rivandi MV (24/04/2016 01:25)
Bahasa Turki ID (08/03/2016 03:52)
Baraya teman setiaku sejak 2005 hrg 30rb/pax BDO- Jkt. Sesuai kantong ku. Smg tetap setia melayani pelanggan nya.