Komentar :
Randi Proska Sandra (23/04/2018 23:22)
biasa aja
soffa mustoffa (18/04/2018 14:36)
Ah males gue nge review bank, bank tempat ngutang dan bukan tempat nabung
Beni Soebidjo (28/01/2018 06:14)
Dimana mana mandiri itu selalu antri....tapi lumayan gak terlalu panjang..parkiran susah..
Praditya Wira Satria (13/01/2018 10:48)
This Mandiri outlet comes with drive thru ATM service & located in two way road. The service area inside is not too big so during peak time you would have very long queu line.
The staff service is not too bad actually, however Mandiri seems still struggle with their product & service reliability in overall especially their online service.
Holin Sulistiyo (12/02/2017 15:29)
Pada Umumnya
ady water (11/02/2016 02:48)
duplica content
Okkeu Supriyadi (06/04/2017 05:07)
pelayanan cepat, security, cso, teller & semua staff sangat ramah, terimakasih