Komentar :
Made Dian Yuniari (24/05/2018 07:55)
Gie Febrians (04/05/2018 17:38)
Boleh lah
I Gusti Kompiang Gede (14/03/2018 14:22)
Pelayanan ramah dan sangat membantu
Tri Wahyudi (10/01/2018 07:17)
Putu Bracok (06/11/2017 05:05)
Ne mare jaen.. !!!
Yohanes Halim (11/07/2017 08:09)
The service work is nice but the owner saves your number if you service there and once got into trouble because he thinks I stolen the bike (same number plate, and owner name, since I haven't changed it, but I have bought it)
Nyoman Kartika (30/04/2017 23:38)
Pelayanan memuaskan, ramah pengiriman tepat waktu
Made Winaya (03/10/2017 05:08)
Servicenya memuasken
Dex Gembul (11/06/2017 13:50)
Dealer Motor Yamaha
Lockvey Wijayanto (01/06/2017 04:46)
Pelayanan yang ramah👍
mahesa putra (09/09/2016 05:30)
nyaman..gratis softdrink...