Komentar :
Deri Yulianti (08/05/2018 08:35)
Darius Willi (23/01/2018 17:36)
Gede Eka Suwardyana (13/12/2017 10:02)
The best rafting
Bretto Luscombe (07/06/2017 00:38)
Cinvienient access and lovely traditional staff
agus manto (31/12/2016 09:41)
niki gin (18/11/2016 15:02)
I had an amazing experienced, rafting for almost 3hrs, I definitely recommend to everyone who loves adventure. This is the longest river in Bali, the water is really clean and clear, along the way don't just focus on rafting and the river, look around you'll see the wild flowers, the falls, the spring waters if your brave enough you can try(but I didn't, check with local if he recommend otherwise don't), listen to the chirping birds.
tv satelit untuk rakyat (20/12/2016 18:32)
catur Haryanto (12/09/2016 10:29)
Woooow mantapp
Wayan Widhi (12/09/2015 13:11)
Agen Villabatu (13/09/2016 13:03)
Fendy Lie (01/07/2016 05:23)
Ada yg tau berapa harga tiket untuk 1 orang
Ellen Poerba (01/05/2015 09:31)