Komentar :
Bunda Mich (01/12/2020 07:36)
good price but too clautrophobic
Marisa Limantara (16/11/2020 12:13)
Cheap plastic household items like basket, buckets, boxes etc in all sizes
Stephan Fowler (13/08/2020 05:39)
Indonesian Walmart, they have a lot of different things for the house and for kids, and for holidays. Very good prices!
mikala medina (20/07/2020 05:12)
cheapest price for party accessories and some kitchen tools. Mostly Made in China
Noventy Tampubolon (16/06/2020 12:51)
This shop devided the area basic on prices...the lowest is Rp. 6,000 or less than USD 1, the next is Rp. 10,000 and above. The quality is not the best...well..so so...price never lie. The building 2 stores and the parking lot quite big but it is not free. Quite lot of variety items can be find here..again...price never lie about quality. Happy shopping.
dewiratih niputu (08/03/2020 03:38)
Good taste
Yulian Kristalia (10/01/2020 12:00)
So Crowded on the holiday or high season
florensia nitha daniella (15/10/2019 06:38)
Good place but sometimes you must see carefully or you buy some broke or fail stuff
Tris Maheni (05/07/2019 14:43)
really best place and all the product so cheap, so recommended
anik tini (29/11/2018 05:56)
All everything is only 6. 000 IDR , so easy accounting our budget here
erwin ardiansyah (03/05/2018 08:38)
Good place
Haris Natanael (19/04/2018 00:54)
Sukmayanti ni luh putu gede (11/04/2018 14:40)
Tokonya luas,sebelah toko 6000 ada juga yg harga 5000. Nah untuk pembelian barang tidak semua hrganya 5000 maupun 6000 karena kalo ada barang yang agak mahal berlaku kelipatannya. Barangnya lengkap tapi kurang dirapikan dan dibersihkan biar gag berdebu.
anak agung ayu redi pudyanti (21/02/2018 12:48)
Awalnya ga pengen mampir karena harganya yg terlalu murah. Tapi ternyata ga semua barang yang dijual kualitasnya jelek. Banyak juga yang bagus, jadi pinter pinter memilih sesuai dengan kebutuhan. All items cost 6000, that's for real!!!
Raka Suartana 2 (15/02/2018 20:55)
Good price for household
gede dyana (22/01/2018 17:59)
andri saputra (15/10/2017 00:23)
Wajib coba mampir lihat " beli apa yg dibutuhkan suka silahkan beli
Jumrotul Istiqomah (27/09/2017 03:44)
Harga murah meriah , penataan kurang efektif.
Yunie Chong (23/09/2017 06:44)
Kwalitas dari bawah ke atas pilih sepuas nya...
Lutfi Hilmi (13/09/2017 04:52)
Peter Nanoe (05/07/2017 21:58)
Murah meriah n cukup lengkap...