Komentar :
Alfian Angkas (02/06/2018 15:59)
Sy beri 4 bintngg
Karna sy bru daftar
timotius tan (24/05/2018 11:53)
University of financial management science, marketing, human resources and tourism business. Tuition cheap and friendly lecturers and curriculum according to national standards with accreditation so that students do not have to hesitate to study here. especially for busy employees there is also an executive class who has class only Thursday Friday Saturday on the after office hour.
Utik Nais (16/05/2018 06:01)
Saya kasih tiga bintang karena saya baru masuk
Aldi 57 (06/01/2017 02:54)
Miss Gokil (06/11/2016 02:39)
This is a nice campus because that open for afternoon... After work, you can study here.. Now I already graduated... 😊
Nanang Berag (13/07/2016 05:05)
cantik cantik