Komentar :
Gusti Ketut (05/03/2018 11:36)
nice place for buying local brand clothing.
Wisnu A. Kurniawan (21/02/2018 01:24)
Neat place! I do love the look of this place. The products are lovable but I don't really into it. Overall, good place to get some styles!
Eka Prasetya Krsna Kurniawan (16/02/2018 09:36)
Good stuff, good people!
Krisna Mahardika (06/01/2018 13:27)
Good place, good product, reasonable price and easy to find (startegic).
Alief Halik (16/12/2017 11:26)
Good quality of products and also cheap...the year end sale discount is amazing..thanks SCH
Aditya Kuntara (06/06/2017 06:22)
Buat kamu yg suka koleksi pakaian distro kualitas baik di Rsch tempatnya kualitas bandung memang oke punya
Daivi Prakriti (21/03/2017 22:45)
Good stuff, worth the price. Small but comfortable place and near to restaurants.
Aldi Shugaray (08/01/2017 01:19)
Siiiip lah keren
Jimmy Martin (22/12/2016 17:58)
Clothing distro. One of the most cool clothing chain
Herry Sucahya (17/06/2016 08:21)
Well designed graphics (for nerds especially 😁), good quality fabric, clean room, and generally cheaper price than other clothing store.
Siswanto Agus (07/12/2015 15:37)
Can we purchase some thing here?
arya setiadi (08/10/2015 14:53)
Barangnya banyak dan lengkap, semua apparel dan aksesoris kekinian ada disini, harga ok & kualitas barangnya sip, recommend sebagai salah satu shopping store buat yg berspirit youthfull : D
Dayu Astiti (23/05/2016 11:23)
Modis,masa kini
dika satyawardana (23/09/2015 13:51)