Komentar :
Ketut Manda (14/04/2018 20:10)
Amazing place for spiritual meditation
Mark Hans (20/03/2018 05:25)
Comfortable warung at cliff tops
Made Fandy Fandy (20/01/2018 23:33)
Very Nice Place For Praying... With Wonderfull Views...
YDK (29/12/2017 03:48)
Temple with a great ocean view from the cliff top
Putu Kresna (23/08/2017 03:21)
Big and old temple, recently renovated, with a great sea view. There are some monkey families / tribes, habitating the vegetations that surround the temple. They are quite gentle, not aggresive.
made swanendri (06/07/2017 14:32)
Big temple and great view. After worshipping, you can enjoy the surrounding area : beautiful beach down below, paragliding and please be aware with the monkeys that wandering arround this temple.
Kadex Winarta (11/06/2017 11:08)
Tempat pura paling selatan dibali
Gas Engine (17/05/2017 14:55)
Wiratma Komang (20/03/2017 10:43)
Pura yang luas dan megah dengan kebun tertata rapi, sepertinya akan dijadikan obyek wisata baru karena disekitarnya sedang dibangun gunung payung cultural park
Gede Pande Narendra (23/06/2016 07:03)
Pura Gunung Payung adalah satu diantara sekian banyak Pura Dang Kahyangan (Pura yang menjadi tujuan perjalanan para Guru Suci jaman dahulu).
Berlokasi di Desa Kutuh, Kuta Selatan, Pura ini diamong oleh warga setempat untuk pemeliharaan dan penyelenggaraan upacara.
Pura Gunung Payung sering dikunjungi warga sekitar Badung dan Denpasar untuk persembahyangan (tirtha yatra)
Ketut Rata (18/11/2015 05:46)
Temporary closed.
Tim Boende (15/11/2015 08:53)
Cannot access, while area seems to have been bought. Security guard prevents entrance
Bali sejati (18/11/2015 05:46)
Temporary closed.