Komentar :
Gede Pande Narendra (15/06/2016 02:24)
An experienced Yoga Instructor, the traditional Balinese Yoga, Yoga Watukaru.
1. Opening prayer. Yoga is a transcendental practice. To gain the best result of purity & health, first must unite ourself with the Divine.
2. Meditation. Meditate to absorb the universal energy, to maintain balance in our body.
3. Basic warming up. Basic light exercises, from head to toe, to warm up our body.
4. 10 Asanas. From sitting posture, laying posture, standing postures.
5. Yoga Cara. The main body exercise, consists of a certain Asanas. surya Namaskara & Chandra Namaskara are the samples.
6. Cleaning. The practice to clean Sumsumna, Ida, and Pinggala, the three main energy lines according to spinal bones.
7. Cakra practice. An exercise to clean, open, and activate the 7 human Cakras: Muladhara, Swadhistana, Manipura, Anahata, Wisudha, Ajna, Sahasra.