Komentar :
Tika Bonita (02/05/2018 14:04)
Expensive,and wasn't satisfied of their services at all.
Mochamad Hidayat (28/04/2018 22:43)
Oka Bujawan (16/02/2018 07:29)
Great Services
dini pratiwisari (03/02/2018 14:37)
Serve was good
nathn sutanto (14/08/2017 12:09)
Cek up and service briana
Wayne Agoes Setiawan (05/07/2017 11:42)
Quick service with a free coffee. Service cost and spare parts is quite expensive.
Ritchie Cooper (16/03/2017 03:13)
This is a open letter to honda and a warning to others. This car dealership sucks. .be very weary of the car salesman.. especially if you are a woman.. they will con you and say anything to get your money.. once have your money... they will not keep there promises of delivery date or colour of car. Don't hand any money over to them until car is in front of you and you can inspect it fully. Otherwise you will have great difficulty getting your money back... with many different excuses.
iCal09 (23/08/2017 10:59)
Adi Waru (16/06/2017 07:57)
Good customer service. But it takes 7 days to repaint back bumper actually they said it was only need 5 days.
Gani Sugama (09/06/2017 21:35)
Nice service
fajar aja (04/04/2017 13:03)
liu feredigo (16/01/2017 18:54)
Good Service and Fast
Didac Baila Rabella (20/12/2016 08:56)
Honda service very good quality.Free Coffe..
kande nopriana (21/11/2016 02:08)
Selalu ramah tamah terhadap konsumen
Gung Ogik 23 (28/04/2016 07:00)
Nomor telpon tidak pernah ada yang angkat,, pegawai sibuk semua..
atau mungkin bisa mencantumkan nomor lain..
Adisty Kirana (17/02/2016 07:14)
Berapa waktu/bulan/tahun selesaikan BPKB..mohon diperjelas krn mobil saya 1bln lagi perpanjang pajak &blm dpt BPKB.
gung_ogik Ogik (28/04/2016 07:00)
Nomor telpon tidak pernah ada yang angkat,, pegawai sibuk semua..
atau mungkin bisa mencantumkan nomor lain..
Krisna Ranadha (25/10/2015 06:24)
Dibilang tutup jam 3,pas nyampe jam 2 di bilang tutup!!!
Muhammad Baharuddin (26/12/2014 03:02)
Arahan google map yg imam bonjol 104 salah sehingga harus ke arah utara lagi utk bs ketemu Dealer Honda ini utk servis mobil