Komentar :
kevin mauri (12/06/2018 08:36)
Got pretty much everything, but the staff often times goes missing 😂
rai ofSun (22/04/2018 13:07)
Minta tolong dibukain etalase karena mau beli pepper grinder malah suruh customer liat aja dari luar. Saya akhirnya minta tolong staf yg lain, dibantu, tapi tidak ramah. Minta tolong ajarin cara masukkan lada nggak di ajarin, cuma disuruh buka atasnya... kl saya bisa sendiri saya nggak minta tolong kok. Kedepannya mungkin stafnya perlu dibikin sadar kl dia dibayar untuk bantu customer... bukan buat jadi pajangan. Padahal dia cuma ngobrol dan bercanda2 doang sm staf perempuan, staf perempuan itu mau aja lg di pegang2 di depan umum. Murahan.
Arumilah Ayuning Wardani (23/03/2018 01:16)
Nice shop good service
Kadek Supriawan (20/03/2018 02:59)
Barang cukup lengkap, harga terjangkau
jus antique (27/11/2017 07:07)
BayAreaLen Classic (06/11/2017 04:07)
I found the items that I needed here at a fair, middle of the road price, which included a fan, a gas stove and regulator, and some cookware. Selection was decent, and they accepted my credit card. Also, they will test any equipment that you buy before you pay, but beware, as I've learned here with most stores in Indonesia, once you buy, there's no returning.
kiky ameliyah (16/09/2017 05:37)
Complete shop for kitchen equipment