Komentar :
Gendis Nareswara (14/04/2018 14:01)
the food are bad. onion rings full of flour n burgers just made by spam
Depe Putra (28/02/2018 05:43)
Tempat yg nyaman untuk bersantai sambil menikmati pantai 🤙🏻
Haidar Muhammad Nur (11/01/2018 03:48)
yaaa lumayan lengkap disini. ada tempat duduk buat nongkrong bentar. cuman, yg jadi sedikit 'masalah' adalah kadang pelayan atau kasir nya agak kecapean, jadi mungkin agak emosi hehehe
Ronan Callanan (11/04/2017 09:40)
Pretty close place to get food from alam kulkul
Jenny Wahyuni (27/12/2016 00:23)
The workers aren't nice!
Emily Su (23/04/2016 11:56)
Cheaper bottled water than the Minimart a few stores down. Doesn't sell sim cards, though- get those from a booth outside Minimart.