Komentar :
Fredrik Moeladi (14/04/2018 06:14)
All the best about batik.
Eko Susanto (14/04/2018 05:52)
The biggest store at Discovery shooping mall , kartika plaza, sell indonesian batik, T shirt and short with balinese print , handi craft and many other. For you that need to buy something for your self or just a gift, this store serve a good quality stuff with rationable price
CM Long (12/02/2018 10:11)
Humungous shop at one end of Discovery Kartika Plaza. There is now a deli part as well. They have a large range of souvenirs as well as traditional products. There was a lot of batik products which were reasonable priced. I bought some coffee here for a friend.
yves frombelgium (22/10/2017 06:44)
Big store with extensive collection, name your batik and you'll find it here!
Rahul Saxena (15/10/2016 13:10)
Huge shop, massive selection, okay prices, they had the traditional Balinese wedding couple figurines that we were searching for everywhere else.
Ivan Soesilo (15/08/2017 04:48)
tangkas budi (13/05/2017 09:56)
duluuuuu sekali, pernah diusir satpam krn pake celana pendek, maklum turis local. semoga skrg udah ga lg ya boss....
James Adhitthana (11/08/2016 02:56)
Good collection.
H Hawee (07/06/2016 08:18)
مول جميل لكن أسعاره مرتفعة جدا
卓恆傑 (14/02/2016 02:54)
Kuta Bali (06/02/2016 18:54)
Relax while u waiting