Komentar :
Made Sugita (18/04/2018 05:08)
Worst customer service for expat married with Indonesian... There was a time I sent money to the Phils. And all they asked me is 2 valid ID's..(KITAP & INDO DRIVER'S LICENSE) and today they are asking for original passport. So I advised if possible to send to their email as I have the original copy on my phone. They said it should be the actual passport,KITAP and DL. I just don't understand why having KITAP is useless in any case. Maybe they are just lazy to process my request.
Deni Darusman (11/01/2018 04:44)
Tidak terlalu banyak nasabah, jadi cukup cepat
arif backpacker (27/08/2017 04:34)
pelayanan cepat
arif rulin (27/08/2017 04:34)
pelayanan cepat