Komentar :
Pim Wrobel (28/11/2017 00:39)
If you don't wanna wait hours every time you visit, don't go here.
Esandis Rio Vandra (28/07/2017 04:36)
It's horrible. The queue is very long, and there's only one CS that's on standby. She needs 30 min at least to handle one customer. I'll consider to bring a portable bed on my next visit.
Patrick Luhut (11/07/2017 06:26)
It's been months since my last visit here. Still no improvement made concerning the customer service 😴. The management must be blind
Marc Shepherd (17/02/2017 01:34)
You don't expect much from.Indonesian Banks but this one is the absolute worst customer service I have ever experienced! I have been trying to open an account with this bank now for more than a month now, spending numerous times and long hours waiting. The process is desasterous and the bank is not informed about changes (such the electronic Kitas) and doesnt know how to deal with it. Although we have a company account with this bank I will now go for another one...and remove my company account along with it.
Fake Dragons (15/11/2016 05:22)
No administration fee for your saving account, but the customer service is only one today..so the line is getting too long.
Ria Channel (19/05/2017 04:51)
Cust. Servicenya antriannya lama .. tp mbak mbaknya melayani dengan ramah dan teliti 😊 .. mungkin bisa ditambah lg staf custmr servisnya.. untuk meningkatkan pelayanan .. agar cepat terlayani .. thx
Agoenk The Kalonk (08/05/2017 07:12)
Pelayanan costamer servisnya suuuuupeeerrrrrrr.....laaaaaamaaaaaa....1 nasabah bisa 1 jm...padahal meja CSnya ada 3 tapi pelayannanya cuman 1 orang....
Joan Olivier (04/05/2017 03:18)
Layanan cust service nya suuuuuuuppppeeeeerrrrrrr duuuuuuuppppeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr lamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa sekaliiiiiiiii.. masa saya antri dari jam 9 pagi dari pemegang nomor 512 dan sampe sekarang udah hampir setengah dua belas siang baru dipanggil nomor 516, sedangkan saya 523 dan sudah menumpuk antrian2 lain. Lemot banget kerjanya.. dua jam setengah baru 3 customer, padahal cs ada dua. Dua2nya lemot
3835 group (01/04/2017 05:46)
yunan notresponding (11/02/2017 14:27)
susah cari parkir mobil
subhi darajat (19/12/2016 03:52)
Suka dengan cash Deposite Machine nya
Jerry Lubis (15/11/2016 05:22)
No administration fee for your saving account, but the customer service is only one today..so the line is getting too long.
Nanang Berag (27/07/2016 07:57)
tingkatkan layanan
I Gede Depri Pramana (25/08/2016 06:26)
Cepat dan lokasi trategis
Izumi Faiz (19/11/2015 03:53)
Antriannya ramai, CS nya cuma stand by 2 orang. Padahal meja CS nya ada 4