Komentar :
Dayat Rin-bee (13/02/2018 21:06)
Karna tempat ini bagus banget
Thoha Ali (17/06/2017 06:03)
Pengalaman trsendiri bisa naik unta d bali...
Hepimomen Traveling (08/06/2017 18:40)
We are enjoy the experience Riding an Camel at Grand Nikko Bali in the side part of the beach with white sands Nusa Dua Bali and the nature around it with some of temples.
Richard Hardian (27/12/2016 04:21)
Camel ride 🐪
Junie (23/09/2016 03:39)
Fabulous location at the beautiful Grand Nikko. Recommend going early before the camel ride to enjoy the restaurant n beach.
henny hendrawati (18/10/2017 07:49)
Natha Kusuma (25/06/2017 12:34)
Daplon Sanggler (17/06/2017 06:03)
Pengalaman trsendiri bisa naik unta d bali...