Komentar :
Ky Rose (02/03/2018 12:53)
This ATM has been identified as skimming thousands of dollars from my account and completely wiping it out on the day before I am due to leave Bali, the police are not interested in taking my report unless I travel to them (cannot do as I now have enough cash to get to airport only for my flight tomorrow) and unless I take a translator with me to the police station. Very poor on the part of the police as by identification of this ATM this could be prevented from taking more money from unsuspecting tourists, the money was taken incrementally from my account since I used it January 19, untill wiping my account out completely by taking multiples of $250 then, to add insult to injury, the last $50, today 2 March 2018. I feel sorry for the Balinese as it's not necessarily the Balinese at fault, a Bulgarian woman was caught a few years ago for doing the same thing from another ATM, but the Balinese Police inaction has something to answer for.