Komentar :
Astri Handayani (13/04/2018 15:53)
With the contour of the area where the zoo built actually it has a prospect to be a beautiful place. Unfortunately, the zoo need to be upgraded and need more maintenance. Also they need to arrange the street vendor inside the zoo and move them into a permanent shopping area outside. Because with all the tarp tent that the street vendor use, the zoo look so cluttered and messy.
The most sadden thing is that they chain the elephant to a pole. So it can't moves anywhere (It's consider as animal cruelty). If the reason is that the gate of the elephant area isn't strong enough than they should fix it immediately. Put the chain on animal isn't the solution .
I hope the zoo management together with Pemkot Bukittinggi find the solution immediately.
Meriska Mutiara (22/03/2018 13:28)
Jauh lebih bersih, rapi, dan terawat dibanding the last time I was there (which was 7 years ago😁). Honestly I didn't expect this place to be this good, so I was surprised when it looked great!
What makes me happier was because the animals were in great condition too (at least mostly, masih ada beberapa yang kandangnya kurang memadai, but still forgivable). Mudah2an para staf di sini selalu take a good care of them because if they didn't, I'd probably won't visit it again😁
Rantung Salinas (20/03/2018 04:55)
Taman Marga Satwa dan Budaya Kinantan or better known as Kinantan Zoo is located in Taman Bundo Kanduang. This area was built in 1900 by a Dutch named Controleur Strom Van Govent. This wildlife park built on a hill called Bukit Malambuang.
At the start of construction, the park was not yet have a collection of animals. New in 1929 made the zoo to include several collections of animals into the park. In 1929 the zoo made by Dr J Hock and is the oldest zoo in Indonesia and the only one in West Sumatra.
Thanks to a very serious management by the Dutch colonial government, Bukittinggi Zoo continues to grow and achieve heyday in 1933. This year, farm animals Bukittinggi able to provide about 150 animals typical of the island of Sumatra at Surabaya Zoo. Conversely, Bukittinggi Zoo Surabaya Zoo received from a number of animals typical of Eastern Indonesia.
In 1935, in Bukittinggi Zoo built traditional house. Rumah gadang bergonjong' has 9 rooms and platforms on the right and left. On the walls of traditional houses have carvings that reflect the height of the realm of Minang culture.
To reach this location, tourists can use a landline. From the city of Padang to Bukittinggi,the trip can be taken for about 2 hours drive.
The zoo was originally named Kebun Bungo after it changes the name of a Taman Puti Bungsu. In 1995 through local regulation No. 2 of 1995 again changed the name of a Taman Puti Bungsu at Taman Marga Satwa dan Budaya Kinantan, along with his official fortress Fort de Kock joined through Bridge Limpapeh.
Bukittinggi Zoo also features the Museum of Zoology and ornamental fish aquarium. In the area of the zoo was built is also a place used to perform various types of traditional art performances Minangkabau.
There are also Rumah Adat Tradisional functioned as a museum displaying the objects of culture and history, like the Minang traditional clothes and jewelry.
No less interesting is the presence in the region Limpapeh Bridge Zoo Bukittinggi. This bridge connects Bukittinggi Zoo with Fort Fort De Kock located in Bukit Jirek.
Now, Bukittinggi Zoo is known as the Taman Marga Satwa dan Budaya Kinantan. A wildlife park which has undergone various changes, reaching a peak of glory, then recede in appalling condition.
The long journey of this wildlife park could not help make it as a precious heritage for all the children of this nation. Therefore, to maintain its existence in order to remain sustainable is the glorious duty of every child slung over the shoulders of this country.
Nadia Febriandini (02/03/2018 11:46)
Good for kids to know animals. Great place for family gathering. And there are some historical items too.
Riki Akbar (12/02/2018 08:12)
To be frank, this is the most pathetic zoo I've ever visited. The animal were not treated properly. The cage was awful and far from clean. All I can say to the management, should you read this comment, is: treat them well. Please.
Samuel Noviano Indarto / SNI (20/12/2017 02:29)
Great place but the animals need to add more like elephant. Why did the elephant only 1. The management need to add more to increase the quality of the zoo. That is my opinion.
Diandra Herdi (11/09/2017 00:30)
Good place for education your kids about culture and animals
Raja Vacation (04/09/2017 02:01)
Georgeous animals and love the wildlife.
Fadly N. (28/07/2017 02:37)
The animals are healty, the museum fairly have enough information about history of Bukittinggi, the park is beautiful. And the best of all, they have free wifi over the area
Irving Nazmi (08/07/2017 14:06)
It's a Zoo, Nice place for bringing childrens, adding a knowledge to them about animals
Thita Indira (28/06/2017 14:38)
Educational for kid
Alakazam 132 (28/06/2017 12:48)
Best destination while you are in Bukittinggi, watching attraction, riding horse, riding elephant, endangered animal like orang utan, history building like fort de kock
Arne Grobe (21/06/2017 14:52)
Horrible zoo, cages are really small, mainly with concrete ground only. Animals have not enough space, and nothing to do .... castle is not worth a visit, so DO NOT GO or you will automatically support this horrible animal treatment....
Anisa Nur (07/04/2017 15:01)
Good !
Harmen Yunan (19/02/2017 06:44)
Suci Byt (15/01/2017 03:32)
The animals there treated not well enough.
RICHE PUSPITASARI (04/01/2017 11:32)
Iqbal Prayuda Aditya (25/08/2016 14:07)
Good walk for killing time
Nathan Campbell (12/08/2016 10:24)
If you have nothing to do in Bukittinggi then it is worth a walk around. Entry is 15000 per person and includes Fort de kock and the zoo. Animals look pretty neglected. Elephants are tied up with front and back legs and thus don't look very happy.
Ahmad Tasir (13/07/2016 08:05)
The animal has varian
Vcvcvc Vc (19/04/2016 10:11)
Tersambung ke jembatan limpapeh
alpass alpass (17/01/2016 03:18)
Aku yang paling takut sama ularnya di sana kalau harimau yang ada dua juga ada macan tutul
Ada rumah adatnya disitu kita bisa foto ama gaun peganten aku suka banget mingu depan aku mau kesitu lagi bareng kakek ku dan saudaraku diasuka sama manyet wisata paling meyenangakan
Inge van der Zon (01/12/2015 09:04)
It is the most upsetting moment I had was to visit this zoo in Bukittinggi. This type is zoo should not be allowed to exist as it is cruel to the animals to live in such small and crammed quarters. For the elephants to be tied up like that is disgusting. For goodness sake get into the 20th century and either update your zoo or let the animals free. I did read a few reviews of this zoo and the majority would agree with me------ a few ignorant people do not. Those people have not got a clue and should be tied up for a while
Adi Anwar (21/05/2015 01:23)
Sulit mncari dmana lokasinya...akhirnya aq dan temanku batal Ke T.margasatwa..
Assyifa Humaira (15/04/2015 15:22)
bagus bingiiiiitzz
Ratni Primalita (19/10/2014 06:43)
Sangat mengasyikan