Komentar :
Nlg Baso (29/05/2018 01:58)
Ok Bento oke...
cudet BKT (19/03/2018 15:56)
Kuliner Indonesia masakan 🐔 goreng ok bento
Ramidi Laweh (18/03/2018 12:23)
Enàk dan murah
Mai Zel (25/01/2018 18:35)
tmpt lumayan nyaman,harga standar.sesuai kantong..lezat makanan.kurang mgkin karna lokasi pas pendakian.tp nikmat kok
Arif Zainahar (15/01/2018 10:20)
The price is CHEEAP but the taste is so EXPENSIVE... you got to try thiss...
donie arieanto (02/03/2017 11:04)
Delicious, chepeast price in Bukittinggi..
Ziyad Atsiilah (08/08/2017 02:53)
alternatif makan ayam goreng enak
Mochammad irfan Sahid (07/08/2017 08:34)
Murah, meriah.. enak