Komentar :
Sitti Attari Khairunnisa (16/04/2018 02:39)
Open for public since 199, no entrance fee needed, located just accross Pasar Bawah
Alwiyah Bagir (07/04/2018 15:01)
Rumah terpelihara, rapi dan bersih. Banyak barang2 rumah tangga jaman dahulu. Ruangan2 seperti dapur, kamar tidur, kamar mandi juga mengingatkan jaman dahulu...
aryadi andika (18/02/2018 06:44)
Good place to learning when bung hatta was a child
AboyS AboyS (05/02/2018 06:06)
Thats good for learn a story
Jaques Zanzibar Marbun (12/01/2018 01:14)
Added to your list in bukittinggi, very recomended..
rizky hermawan (30/09/2017 03:52)
A historical sites of the origin house of Bung Hatta as one of the duo Indonesian Proclamators. Clean and well-managed house. Good for educational purposes.
sanmon hutapea (02/11/2017 02:53)
What a beautiful house, great explanation.
Yogo B. Prabowo (06/09/2017 23:44)
It's historical place..Easy to find, and give a lot of information about Muhammad Hatta
Saiful Hikam (02/07/2017 07:33)
A historical place of the nation since it is a house where Drs. M. Hatta, one of the Proclamators then became the first Vice President was born.
azalia seaz (29/06/2017 08:30)
Historical place
Azizah Hanif (29/04/2017 01:35)
Cool, i love this place 🤗
Lili Herlina (27/03/2017 10:59)
Cooolll... very clean and well organize. Some of the items still original
aLdi d'grafologist (04/03/2017 10:38)
Tempat ini mengandung nilai sejarah yg tak ternilai dan untuk menjadi bukti bagi anak cucu kita kelak
Dedy Noerhasan (12/02/2017 10:28)
Mengenal Bung Hata melalui rumah beliau.... Sangat Menarik, pengelolaanya bagus
yunida misra (30/01/2017 11:15)
Rumahnya bersih,terawat,berkunjung tdk dipungut bayaran,yang jagain ramah.
Alquran Sunah (22/01/2017 11:14)
Tempat bersejarah kelahiran wakil presiden indonesia pertama
Anisa Octafinda Retnasih (08/07/2016 08:43)
Indonesias first vice president was born here.
Such as nice and homy place. Free entry but be responsible guest please.
Griksa Gunadarma (11/03/2016 06:24)
Childhood house of Indonesia Vice President, Mohammad Hatta. You can found every history detail of Bung Hatta in here.
penulis cemen (11/08/2016 05:46)
Napak tilas Bung Hatta
Nidya Rachmawati (01/06/2016 10:30)
Omah kelahiran bung hatta
Roby cahyadi (15/05/2016 08:00)
Untuk pengetahuan sosok seorang proklamator
Boy Andris (17/04/2016 10:24)
Hmm... I now=(Hmm... Aku tahu).
Rizki Alisaptamarza (02/02/2016 15:58)
Musium rumah Kelahiran Bung Hatta tertata dengan rapi. Pengunjung tidak di pungut biaya. Di dalam museum pengunjung bisa melihat foto foto dan barang koleksi museum. Jika sedang berkunjung ke Bukittinggi, museum ini bisa jadi salah satu objek wisata yang menarik untuk dikunjungi.