Komentar :
Amaliyah Sofura (27/05/2018 12:53)
Kala mengunjungi Toko Gunung Agung ini rasanya seperti nostalgia, masih bangunan lama. Di lantai pertama berisi furniture, lantai 2 alat lukis dan perlengkapan sekolah, sementara lantai 3 baru buku. Untuk kategori sastra memang tidak selengkap toko sebelah, tapi ada juga buku kumpulan essay yang hanya saya temukan di sini.
Untuk harga Ecoline liquid watercolor gold lebih murah di sini (saya bandingkan dengan toko online). Pelayanannya juga ramah, eskalator naik dan turun ada di sisi pintu yang berbeda, yang disayangkan hanya sepi sekali pengunjung.
Oh di depan toko ini terdapat taman, teduh, enak untuk duduk-duduk, dekat sekali dengan halte busway Kwitang.
Dimas Aryaditya (13/05/2018 11:30)
If you like to shop book with complete book title but not to crowded this is you place you wanted
Gelang Besi Photoworks (12/04/2018 11:45)
Lengkap dan nyaman, ada fast food dan money changer juga. Yang disayangkan harganya lebih mahal dibanding Toko Buku kompetitor
Mirza Abdillah (09/03/2018 07:27)
Old store but I find some old quality import books with cheapest price, Competing for the Future from Gary Hamel ans CK Prahalad for only IDR 99K.
Rina Noviyanti (07/03/2018 22:20)
They have many collections of Penguin Classic book and interesting series of social and philosophy books with reasonable price. #letsguide
Nuru chan (21/02/2018 02:11)
It's a big Bookstore. They have chairs, so you can sit and read some books. I love this bookstore.
Izhar Chaidir Idroes (20/02/2018 10:48)
It was a big book store... Still having one of the best money changers and famous restaurant... Waiting for its rejuvenation...
ADHI BOY WIDJAJA (27/11/2017 21:53)
When I was still in elementary, jr and Sr high school, I always came to this bookstore to buy all of my school needs. And I had a chance to take my kid to visit this store yesterday, now the store is only 3 storey high, used to be more. If you are into arts, like paintings, they have lot of choices for paint and brushes. Books, novels and comics in level 3, and they also have a wide range of kho ping hoo book. I suggest you to pay a visit to this store, you may find something goods here.
Rizki Rahman (14/11/2017 04:40)
it's not a worth if you go there only bc you want to buy a book from "TGA Kwitang". better go to nearest tga/another bookstore.
Lala Hasibuan (05/10/2017 08:15)
I knew this is a book store, but i always come here just for AW restaurant 😂 i still think gramedia book store is better than this
Fazli Umar Faruq (23/08/2017 01:19)
One of the largest. Well maintained
Danang Jaya (30/07/2017 04:04)
There is not books sale in here.
If you looking to buy books you will disappointed.
But you can find some stationary and office supply in this store.
This store also have money changer, witch most people come here to.
Evania Shabrina (29/07/2017 16:02)
You can find some old book collections here and it's a great place to find art supplies
Rvstam Gebsy (24/07/2017 00:40)
Historic book store. Good location. Complete collection.
Bili Siswanto (07/07/2017 03:47)
Close centre Jkt, complete, good service
Pandu Kusumah (04/07/2017 09:38)
One beloved reading place, since I was on high school,
Faisal Suryo (03/07/2017 13:06)
This book store, is one stop shop for books and other stationary, specially for Islamic books
Rizky Triputra (05/05/2017 04:33)
simple bookstore not big
Seno Adjie Sadewa (21/04/2017 12:29)
Hampir 20 tahun yang lalu saya rajin kesini. Lengkap, bagus, sejuk. Buku berbahasa asing ada. Sekarang ..... ? agak kumuh dan kurang lengkap.
Hadi Rismansyah (20/04/2017 17:41)
Good book store
FX Budi Widyatmoko (08/03/2017 01:11)
This book store is well prepared. Clean and near and sell well known branded pens.
Adhitya Supraviendra (04/03/2017 03:21)
Ssst..Its really quiet here
Employees are helpful
Sriyono Sarbini (03/03/2017 22:00)
Cukup saja
Ade Fakhrudin (13/02/2017 01:15)
Toko Buku yang cukup terkenal dahulu sebelum ada Toko Gramedia...
Jeffry Imanuel (11/02/2017 18:16)
Peralatan painting cukup lengkap, sedikit lebih lengkap dari TGA Senayan City, salah satu dari sedikit toko yang menjual produk Royal Talens dengan stok yang up to date.
*Ada cat air dari russia NP White Nights