Komentar :
Amaliyah Sofura (27/05/2018 12:16)
Awalnya saat mau masuk saya bingung karena TB. Gramedia ini berada di bangunan yang sama dengan es teler 77. Sebagian besar buku terdapat di lantai 2, dan lumayan lengkap. Hal yang berkesan adalah waktu itu saya mencari satu buku, mas yang menjaga sampai bolak-balik keluar-masuk gudang karena tak kunjung menemukan, saat saya bilang gakpapa tidak usah dicari lagi, si mas baru berhenti sambil minta maaf. Salut sekali.
Hanya saja kalau tidak salah di sini hanya menggunakan kipas angin, jadi agak panas.
*foto terakhir oleh E.T.
Wira Dillon (16/05/2018 09:21)
just like any other gramedia. A bit more compact due to it's location, but definitely still as enjoyable to visit as any of the rest.
note that due to its size you may not always find the more esoteric books - might want to go to the bigger ones for those
Farley Lim (06/05/2018 14:13)
tokobuku terbai
Ricky Febryanto (02/05/2018 01:15)
nice staff. lot of product.... awesome
Del Tj (25/02/2018 11:23)
Gramedia Pasar Baru, bookstore, stationery, gadgets and a corner of foodstall. Ac not cool enough though
Kharisma Aprilina (20/01/2018 12:20)
I like visiting Gramedia Book Store to buy coloring book for my child
William Sulis (26/12/2017 10:13)
Good but dont have parking spot .-.
Karta Sastra (02/12/2017 13:38)
Only book store at Pasar Baru. In the shop there is an outlet of famous Es Teller ice dessert.
indah Ongko (07/10/2017 01:49)
Located inside pasar baru, there are few book that you can read, because they don"t open the packaging
Andrew Tanardi (23/10/2017 08:09)
Just like other gramedia.. Lot of books here
ardiyan iyan (21/09/2017 02:33)
Good books, albums, bags, and fun things.
Belinda NN (12/09/2017 18:33)
We can get variants kind of book in this Book Store
Agung Rizkianto (08/09/2017 04:07)
Strategically located beneath Pasar Baru area.
halida harnum (12/07/2017 12:06)
Nyaman tempat nya.. Walaupun koleksi buku tdk begitu komplit
Properti Dong (03/07/2017 15:01)
Always a good place to come once a while
E.B Kuntoro (02/07/2017 00:11)
Cukup membantu melengkapi kebutuhan perlengkapan kantor dan sekolah dengan lokasi yg strategis di pusat perbelanjaan modern paser baroe.
Siti Mulyati (16/03/2017 01:57)
Tempat nya ramai, menjual peralatan sekolah, kantor, dan yang lainnya
Albert Winadi (09/03/2017 15:15)
Surprisingly decent collection compared to other branches, and helpful staffs as well. All the books are hidden on the quietly calming second floor, while stationeries and others can be found on the first. Also there's Es Teler 77 here.
Faisal zkry (18/02/2017 15:32)
Bukunya disini lengkap dan pelayanannya sangat ramah sekali
Rizki Darmawan (07/02/2017 23:16)
Toko ATK dan ATS yang lengkap
Candra Gunawan (11/01/2017 12:18)
Zhall Nevanderz (25/11/2016 12:09)
baca komik men
KOMPAS TV (01/06/2016 12:00)
Gramedia Book Store. Gramedia jkt