Komentar :
Trieko Yananto (03/12/2017 09:48)
This is an international arrivals terminal. Less of chairs in waiting room with AC, most of chairs placed outside.
Kalep Hidayat (08/11/2017 22:33)
Very modern and comfortable airport. Good services and nice surrounding.
David Lee (07/11/2017 15:18)
Impressive New airport. Free WiFi and wireless charging.
Quang Vinh Vo (14/09/2017 06:28)
Good Airport, Clean & Comfortable
Marcelia Setiawan (13/08/2017 06:49)
Luxurious airport, huge, clean and comfortable.
Fefry Zahilatul (02/08/2017 09:55)
Nice wallstreet
Iqbal Triajie (20/07/2017 22:34)
Very comfortable
Ashish Bhatnagar (08/07/2017 19:33)
Excellent airport terminal... Very easy to reach... Parking very easy from departure and arrival terminals... Beautiful interior.. Lots of natural light... Lots of charging points for devices... An airport that Jakarta needed badly for years.
mahfuddin rasyid (04/07/2017 00:02)
Bandara baru dengan interior yang megah
Ada cafe dan toko souvenir
Ruang tunggu nyaman dengan sofa
AmanahTransporter Tj. Pinang (19/06/2017 07:18)