Komentar :
Nopitasari 0811 (15/02/2018 10:24)
Menyukai nya..
Yunita Sary (30/11/2017 02:26)
Fasilitasnya ok dan harga terjangkau dgn fasilitas yang ada 👍🏼
Ryo Sien (04/11/2017 14:14)
Lived here for 3 years and a half~
It was awesome!
Ricky Wirianto (05/10/2017 01:56)
Gw udah tinggal disini hampir 5 tahun dan betah! Nyari makan ga susah apalagi kalau ada motor, terlebih lagi kalau kamu orang Pontianak disini deh spot buat nikmatin makanan Khuntien.
Wifi ada, kamar mandi dalam, AC ada, ga perlu bayar biaya air cuma bayar listrik aja yang tiap kamar ditanggung masing-masing penyewa & akses finger print.
Pemilik kos nya juga tinggal di satu rumah jadi mau apa-apa lebih gampang.
Di kosan ini ada 2 jenis kamar, Single sama Double.
Harga untuk yang single Rp 1.200.000, kalau yang double gw kurang tahu berapa pastinya, kira-kira berkisar dari Rp 1.600.000 - 1.700.000.
Kosan ini juga terbuka buat cewe atau cowo.
*Bakalan upload kamarnya nanti
I've been living here almost 5 years and I enjoyed it!
Finding foods are easy even more if you have a bike, if you are from Pontianak then this is the right place for you to live because there are a lot of Khuntien's food!
Each room has wifi, AC, bathroom, you don't need to pay water bills, you only pay for electricity bills which is borne by the renters & finger print access.
The kos owners live in the same house too so it made all things easier if you want to request something.
In Se7en kost, it has 2 types off rooms, single and double.
For price Single room is Rp 1.200.000, I'm not pretty sure for Double room price, I think it's around Rp 1.600.000 - 1.700.000.
And also it's open for male and female renters.
*Will upload my room later.
Denny Suhendry (15/06/2017 18:33)
Nice rooms for stay..
Bulle 4G (15/12/2016 12:35)
Wooiiii pindahin tuu titik'y ke awal Lgi jinggggg