Komentar :
Sukma Pamungkas (19/01/2018 08:33)
The place for park your motorcylce. You can select one of many places of motorcycle park on this street. Almost all of side street are park area. Tariff is flat for one time you park your motorcycle, about six thousands rupiah for now, except you want to put there until tomorrow or subscribe for one month, you can ask parking officer. No cover or canopy, no ticket, and prohibitted to lock your handlebar. Comparing with tariff inside the mall, it is a cheaper one.
Prabowo Agung (28/12/2017 13:28)
Buat parkir ok cuman was was lah parkir disitu
Arcs Sukabumi (09/05/2017 05:21)
Perhari 6000ribu jika menginap itungan ya 10000rb perhari
Audi Denadin (13/04/2017 09:51)
6 ribu 24 jam