Komentar :
dwi yoga (23/01/2018 01:01)
Andri Ciputera (22/08/2017 12:13)
Average Cars Workshop. Need more quick in service, i waited 4 Hours for just Check Up my Cars and they dont have Tire Repair Kits.
fakhriy dinansyah (18/06/2017 12:57)
Good service, wide range of car variations
Setiyo Nugroho (16/06/2017 21:24)
One of the Nusantara Mazda network. Recommended for regular service.
Hamdan Dahlan (23/05/2016 22:38)
The only Mazda workshop in the West Jakarta area with house call repair. The mechanics come and help me to install new battery and reprogramming the i-stop which went dead in the morning. Other workshop suggest me to bring my immobiled car to their workshop. Good customer service!
Kevin Arf (29/09/2017 13:02)
Good service
jus insan (29/06/2017 11:33)
Mudah dijangkau
Yudy Ariawan (26/06/2017 06:52)
pelayanannya ga kaya merk sebelah, walaupun lebih mahal tapi lebih murah pelayanannya
Gb Jkt (05/06/2017 10:51)
Strategis lokasinya
Abu Naufa (03/06/2017 15:47)
Biasa saja
Wawan Syaef (03/05/2017 08:12)
Mekanik dan staf2 nya ramah ramah :)
David Tan (11/04/2017 04:57)
bersih n nyaman
Haekal Ardy (19/12/2016 04:16)
H Dahlan (23/05/2016 22:38)
The only Mazda workshop in the West Jakarta area with house call repair. The mechanics come and help me to install new battery and reprogramming the i-stop which went dead in the morning. Other workshop suggest me to bring my immobiled car to their workshop. Good customer service!