Komentar :
Her Soeg (25/05/2018 08:03)
It's ok
William Sugianto (16/05/2018 14:13)
Busy hour only when promo and office break hours
Jefri Tamba (21/04/2018 20:15)
Its has served my needs for the occasional fried chicken. The staff are reasonably professional, no complaints about them, and the food... it is what it is.
Anoos Kuz (22/01/2018 13:19)
Bad services at the tables, also the chicken wasn't cooked very well!
Melky Irawan (11/01/2018 09:58)
Bobby Mizutani (20/09/2017 04:30)
Nice, crispy fried chicken, clean dining area and good service
Vinod Manghnani (07/06/2017 10:35)
Chicken joint
Tuliv Ruepp (27/09/2016 22:48)
Nice and clean place
Dafi Hifzillah (30/04/2017 11:43)
Pelayanan lama. Ayam nya bilang ga ada ga ada aja tanpa konfirmasi ke dapur. Pelayanan ga ramah
Amelia Dirhardjo (26/02/2017 01:04)
playan tdk ramah. 👎
Nader Mohamed (07/02/2017 22:15)
By Nikholas (05/12/2016 06:40)
Very typical KFC :)
William Thio (14/07/2016 05:11)
Mujiono Agarwood Handicraft (11/09/2016 10:57)
PaSX Pascal (15/03/2016 22:01)
Cukup nyaman dengan KFC yang berada di M2S karena pelayanannya terhitung cepat dan cukup banyak meja serta kursi. Kebersihan sedikit kurang.