Komentar :
Nurul Hamidah (20/05/2018 05:25)
Good enough to do your homework or school assignment.. they provide musholla at the same floor.. however air conditioner and wifi doesn't work well.. I hope they could improve the facilities and also provide acess to journals..
Irma Trianawati (09/05/2018 01:01)
Luas, nyaman, bersih, dan buka sampe malem.
Nyari makan juga ga susah, depannya langsung tempat jualan makanan, harganya terjangkau walaupun rasanya biasa aja heheeh.
Yang kurang cuma 1, panas.
ACnya ntah ada atau nggak, yg jelas panas dan gerah, jd mending bawa kipas masing-masing hahahaa..
Diana S (29/03/2018 14:31)
Tempatnya kurang nyaman karena puaaanaass banget, ac ga memadai dan kurang dingin. Jam kerjanya tertera sampai jam 6 sore tapi mulai jam 5 petugas udah grasak grusuk pengen ngusir pengungjung agar mereka bisa cepet pulang, sangat mengesalkan. Wifi lemotnya amit amit. Toilet ga ada tissue dan sabun. Overall ga recomended ini perpus.
akhmad arasy (04/10/2017 03:28)
Library, old fashioned.
Annisa Fauziah (30/05/2016 08:10)
Placed on the 7th floor of Nyi Ageng Serang Building. This place is so quite. The WiFi connection great. Easy to be a member if you are a Jakartan. It opens from 9 am to 8 pm everyday except on the national holiday. Bit spooky especially the elevator 😐 and the aircon doesnt work well.
As a library in general, theres no food or beverage allowed but if you hungry you can just go down and crossing the road and you can found a food area. The price so normal and taste OK.