Komentar :
Meilinda Anis (10/05/2018 23:24)
Mani pedi package are cheap yet good service
Lisa Bakker (04/04/2018 02:22)
First time I visited this salon was in 2008. At that time they had two professional stylist, and the haircut was very professional look.
Last time I went to this salon was on December 2017, very crowded, stylists aren't really professional, I saw one of the haircut done was very bad, luckily mine was not that bad, because I told the stylist how to do it. Located in the most heavy traffic jam in Nort Jakarta. Not recommended.
Shine Irvin (17/03/2018 16:29)
Good Quality Salon
Stevent Gilliano (02/12/2017 05:56)
Budi Santoso (03/08/2017 10:59)
myamin 19 (28/04/2016 07:27)
maju copy (29/10/2017 22:52)
Haris Gunawan (05/09/2017 14:54)
Lebih tepatnya Hosana bridal, hanya kualitas fotonya ok, tapi untuk koleksi bajunya kurang. Harga pas lah.
Chaer Mansyah (27/07/2017 09:31)
Hendry Anggriawan (07/07/2017 08:07)
Tempat salon yang cukup oke, tempatnya bersih dan nyaman dengan pelayanan yang cukup baik.
Cakkavati Kusuma (18/05/2017 10:28)
Plus : salon berkualitas, harga terjangkau.
Minus : area parkir kurang.
Delasari Halim (13/05/2017 09:38)
Ramah cci ny...oke lah
Lia Hermayanti (30/12/2016 14:00)
Bagus (y)
Ricky Gani (08/08/2016 04:04)
Friendly and Clean