Komentar :
Dewi Kusnadi (27/04/2018 18:30)
One of the nearby Vet, Drh. Gustav who happens to be my uncle's high school mate. Came here several times for dogs & cat consultations & vaccinations. Good service with ready-to-serve vets and staffs (nurses). Open till evening 8pm weekdays, so this is very convenient. This vet center also sells medicine related to animals (mostly cats & dogs), also foods, snacks, shampoo & various accessories. Every visit here doesn't end up just for vet consultations or vaccinations, but also for buying some stuffs from the vet store. Haha very good service and marketing!! Regarding price, the fees are rather higher than other vet centers, but it is understandably because of the services and numerous vets and nurses/staffs.
MILA SARI (16/02/2018 06:20)
Excellent service
lisna wati (21/01/2018 09:59)
Good service
NEC PROGRAM (28/11/2017 16:32)
Dr. Gustav saved my dog's life in 2011. My pitbull is still alive today because of him . Highly recommended!
Steph (21/06/2017 14:25)
Very helpful veterinarians and staff.
Putri Rachmadani (25/07/2016 11:28)
very good service:)
gerwin rumli (19/08/2017 14:22)
Udah tau anak anjing kegedean gak bs normal gak di suruh cesar. Dokter goblok
Witnu Diyansyah76 (19/07/2017 09:35)
Bisa menangani jenis hewan burung kicau (cuca rowo) yg kaki nya patah gak ya...!
erna komarawaty (14/07/2017 09:02)
Mau tanya, kucing sy sakit pilek dan bersin2 dan ee nya berdarah, klo dibawa ke gustavet biaya nya brpa ya???..
Stephanie Tjie (21/06/2017 14:25)
Very helpful veterinarians and staff.
Irfan Rosandi (11/03/2017 09:52)
ngantri agak lama, padahal kucing saya kecelakaan
Endah Novitasari (07/02/2017 14:12)
Permisi, di sini bisa nanganin hewan apaan aja ya? Kalau uler bisa tidak? Terimakasih