Komentar :
Mariana Lim (30/05/2018 11:18)
Pilihan bukunya makin sedikit, terutama yg best seller dari luar negeri. Tp kebutuhan lain alat tulisnya sih masih yg terlengkap
Dicky Davidoff (29/04/2018 15:28)
Quite many choice of book, but the one I was looking for wasn't there
Arie Tri Pangestu Judanto (10/03/2018 01:38)
The place is very big and provide a lot of stuff inside. You won't get bored while inside the shop. They provide a lot of bookshelf of imported books too❤
Durahman Driver (10/03/2018 00:37)
Good service and easy find product
Suryadi Hertanto (04/02/2018 12:53)
Reference place if want to buy textbooks, story books and stationeries.
Now have sub-theme: Love - House - Home.
Handry Carlos (05/09/2017 15:43)
More than just bookstore. Lots and lots of other thing they sell now so bookstore doesnt fit its name nowadays. This bookstore set higher expectation for its other branch. But if you really just looking for book, this place doesnt suit you. No comfy couch for you to relaxing browse before you decide to buy it.
Yulia Rahmawati (01/04/2017 14:29)
So much book and stationery. Also there is so many cute accessories.
A Google User (20/09/2017 06:48)
Complete and big book store
Yohan Manthovani (24/06/2017 10:40)
Like this decoration..display and many stuff stationary..arrange very well..
GamerDerp (01/05/2017 00:58)
Everything you need. They have drawing books, comic books, magazines, encyclopedias, drawing tablets, computer components, mouses, fans, printers, headphones, gym equipment, etc
Lila Batubara (03/03/2017 05:45)
Hai very likr
Nurawati Mina (24/01/2017 03:01)
Djulio Laurenzo (19/01/2017 07:33)
This chainstore never disappoint me
Alvin Halim (14/10/2016 17:16)
Cozy book store, complete for a Gramedia.
Dwiyan Pratiyo (06/02/2016 16:18)
After they renovated, they changed a lot on the design. Nice place and beautiful. But, the price looks more expensive than the other gramedia, i thought.
lili komsiana (22/10/2016 23:47)
Aku senang sekali sama toko buku ini soal nya buku nya kompelit
Marcellinus Michael (20/05/2016 15:01)
Bagus dan lengkap
PaSX Pascal (12/03/2016 07:21)
Cukup nyaman tempatnya, mudah buat cari2 buku atau alat tulis yang mau dicari, tempatnya terasa luas.
Gema Fatra (26/02/2016 13:58)
Tata letaknya bagus
Steven Ng (22/02/2016 08:24)
Suasana toko buku gramedia di central park berubah banget setelah di renovasi, situasi menjadih lebih berkelas dan mewah