Komentar :
Yohan (15/05/2018 13:17)
Cheapest place to get electronics and gadgets around Central Jakarta. They also sell cooking wares and home decoration. It's usually not too crowded, but their shelves arrangement makes it extremely difficult to move and navigate around the store. They have free snacks (sometimes).
Erick Budi Santosa (20/02/2018 00:18)
Competitive price with various type of electronic product and accessories
Wibisana Jusuf (19/09/2017 10:45)
They seems to keep home electrical things I need! And some more! Prices are slightly more expensive compared to neighborhood or mass retailer joints. But at least it is very convenient & time efficient to shop here, if you are only looking for 1-2 items.
Nuradia Puspawati (18/06/2017 01:54)
The location is strategic, near to Sarinah Building. It sells electronic equipment, accessories, make up tools, hobbies, etc. Almost complete!
Andika Putra Pratama (04/06/2017 18:04)
Shoping and Shoping
Arman Amir (16/03/2017 16:49)
Almost complete place to find tools for works and household in the middle of city
RIZKA ANWAR (09/06/2017 06:57)
ada dispenser miyako type wd ga? panas n normal? berapa duit? di telpon ga di angkat
Anggraito Laras (01/05/2017 17:16)
Barang elektronik dan perlengkapannya dari a-z tidak ada yang absen. Super lengkap. Pramuniaganya ramah dan membantu customer dalam memilih dan menerangkan detail produk.
desca tri paulus (10/11/2016 13:49)
Mau ke pasar glodok malah nyasar kesini pake gmaps, barang relatif mahal.
Daniel Moningka (21/08/2016 20:37)
Mungkin slogan yang cocok untuk Glodok Elektronik adalah : Apa Aja Ada
Beneran, semua barang yang kamu cari tersedia disini, kecuali pasangan hidup yaa ;)
Disini menjual barang elektronik, alat musik, perkakas rumah tangga, dsb.
Pelayanannya pun ramah dan bersahabat
Carolus Tirtokentjono (05/07/2016 12:15)
Cukup lengkap
oon arfiandwi (17/06/2016 15:48)
toko elektronik dan accessories gadget yang lengkap banget dengan posisi strategis di tengah kota.
dimana lagi di thamrin bisa cari toko perlengkapan gadget kalo lagi buru-buru (nggak harus masuk mall).
ady saputro (08/02/2016 04:03)
suka lihat kalau mau ke pool baraya
sekilas cukup lengkap jualannya