Komentar :
Ragna Play (10/06/2018 06:51)
Sejak selesai renovasi, tampilan produk2nya kurang begitu bagus.. produk2 fresh nya terlihat buruk dan tidak fresh..
Hana Yuliana (10/06/2018 04:38)
Karna deket dr rumah boleh lah... Buat tempat belanja bulanan... Tp syng skrg aga diperkecil tmptnya aja..
retno tripalupi (27/04/2018 15:27)
If i compare groceries in Giant with Carrefour, i prefer in Giant. Why? Becoz they give more good deal with their goods. In here the space are way to large and their goods not so much. Me personal a bit not comfort to shop here
zaenal abidin (05/04/2018 04:52)
Good Place for shopping groceries & Fresh products..
Bobby Mizutani (11/02/2018 09:55)
Nice and big hypermarket. Sell a lot of groceries product for everyday needs. Sometimes there is a special price or promotion price. Also you will get extra discount if using credit card or debit card from their bank.
Mas Dinnu (05/02/2018 15:52)
Huge and complete. If you want to find any stuff for your home stuff they have it. Even the electrical like tv, rice cooker, chair, table, book and any other stuff. Located at the basement very convenient if you want to go there. From lobby you can directly go downstairs to found this place or just using elevator and press b2
Asri Hartani (15/01/2018 11:20)
Plenty of choice various goods food , vegetables and fruits, but for local product, if you find import product of food you can't find in this place, and milk, also vegetables I try find organic vegetables but cannot find it, they didn't sell. And now this place after renovation was smaller than before big supermarket.
Jessica Myrlinda (12/08/2017 21:26)
Crews are nice. Variety available.
The food section not too good like other that's the bad side. Other than that everything it's quite good 😍😍😍😍
Wawan Soegiono (19/08/2017 15:24)
Andi Lesmana (13/08/2017 14:25)
Retail yg luas
Vegan Liu (14/04/2017 07:41)
pilihan barang sangat banyak...
namun harga tdk cukup murah, kecuali pake kartu kredit bank yg melakukan promosi dgn carefour
J K C (15/02/2017 07:06)
Bersih dan ada tempat duduk buat nunggu nya
calvin kuo (10/02/2017 01:39)
Very convenient to by some food and drinks when traveling here.
Raymond Lee (26/01/2017 00:14)
Plenty of choice of various good, big and comfortable shopping
Anak Manja (20/01/2017 16:54)
Ini tempat shoping faforit . Q jauh"ke sana cuma mau beli madu. Lengkap juga. Kasirnya juga lumayan cantik"
Dewi Wonder (25/12/2016 14:10)
Lumayan menghibur,, meski gak komplit
Raymond Luhur (26/11/2016 14:39)
Harganya kian mahal dibanding dengan supermarket lain
Chandra Tuvia Agasi (17/11/2016 16:37)
hairul abdullah (09/06/2016 07:31)
A few days ago i bought 2 packed of frozen Wan Tan and only realize that the expiry day have lapsed months ago.
Please advise what should i do with it ,i still have the original purchase receipt and the frozen wan tan package with me.
PaSXPascal (08/02/2016 06:39)
Cukup baik namun kurang lengkap apalagi khususnya produk-produk import/bahan masakan kurang lengkap. Sudah berapa kali sususan dalamnya berubah.