Komentar :
Edwar D Mulyawan (19/01/2018 04:36)
gk ada bagus2nya saya belanja dicuekin tapi dikasih bonus hhe
Muhammad Adam Firdaus (04/06/2017 12:34)
Easy to find it, there is huge brand billboard at their shop.
Leonard Harry (05/04/2017 09:34)
mass minggu buka ga
ryan kusuma (16/03/2017 11:36)
Excellent service when you walk in. Don't forget to open webpages of items you wanted on your smartphone to show them.
Online shopping might not be too bad, some items displayed might not be available, not so well updated but pretty informative. Good customer service.
Hansen Leon (20/01/2017 13:01)
Worse online shopping experience. Ordered cooler master case through their online shop, only to be respond 3 days later saying that is out of stock. Clearly website said it has stock and i had already paid, note that this sold by bhinekka itself not by third party. Waste of my time.
leonard harry (05/04/2017 09:34)
mass minggu buka ga
yuta pratama (30/03/2017 05:20)
Barangnya lengkap, tapi harga barangnya lumayan, ketimbang toko yg lain. Pelayanan memuaskan, sudah pernah belanja disini sebelumnya
daniel panjaitan (06/03/2017 05:57)
Harga eceran tertinggi, cek sebelum nawar2 ke sebelah.
Abdul Malik (17/12/2016 08:31)
Asik aje
Luthdhias Anata (11/10/2016 10:55)
Mantap :v
Shinryuu Uroborus (21/09/2016 17:49)
Barangnya lengkap, pelayanannya bagus dan harganya langsung pas tanpa ada embel embel tambahan harga ini dan harga itu. Highly recommended.