Komentar :
Laura Estwin (13/03/2018 18:41)
Eventhought this place is quite small compare to the demand of the people who want to come to learn islam, but one thing that i am sure, this place is maybe will became a great place to start your hijrah journey 😊😊😊.
Roban Sahputra (04/02/2018 11:04)
A place for gather knowledge & family
fitria romadona08 (26/10/2017 18:07)
Felix Siauw (16/06/2017 12:43)
it's small.. but serve a big purpose :)
Muhammad Sugandhi (08/01/2017 13:00)
Best place for every muslim's
Syamsul HSD (23/11/2017 10:22)
nur afifah (28/04/2017 02:06)
Tempat kajian setiap jum'at pukul 08:00
Arya Afif Al-Adzfar (17/02/2017 06:10)
alhamdulillah nyari buku uztad felix gak jauh2 dari rumah... hehehehe... baru tau deket rumah...
faizah rahmat (17/01/2017 14:30)
Mau tanya pak ust buka loker gk?
irmalida arni (07/01/2017 22:28)
Good Place for Good People