Komentar :
sheila mutia (16/03/2018 10:52)
Sandwichnya juara, pelayanannya bagus, lokasinya di roof top bikin pemandangannnya luas keliling kota Lhokseumawe, pas menghadap ke Selat Malaka. Kalo sore bisa liat sunset dari sini dan cocok dijadiin spot fotografi yg instagrammable. Ga harus lelah naik turun tangga karena trsedia fasilitas lift. Pas buat saturdate, office gathering, acara keluarga ataupun perkumpulan. Tamu-tamu hotel yg menginap akan menyantap sarapan di cafe ini, udara sejuk di pagi hari menjadi nilai plus Sky Cafe Winton. Kuliner dan minuman tetap representatif kok.
Nasrullah Ishak (22/01/2018 11:50)
Enjoy coffee and snack, etc..., with friends at the top of Winton Hotel. Nice Lhokseumawe sky view anyway :)
bintan78 (09/12/2017 09:54)
order a cup of coffee, then sit back and relax whilst enjoying the skyline of the city.
guess at Winton Hotel will have their breakfast here. toast and sunny side eggs are my morning must have items, and luckily this place have them both! sublime....