Komentar :
ruhmi ati (21/02/2018 03:17)
ASRUL AMIN (29/01/2018 04:30)
Coffee shoop
zul fahmi (23/01/2018 07:47)
Mahmuda MRA (03/08/2016 05:15)
Nice place for origin coffee taste
Zen Angkasa (30/09/2015 16:33)
If you want some good coffee from Gayo Highland, if you want someone bring coffee to you with smile every time..
Come here.. at WRB Coffee Shop.. You will be Happy..
Iwan Gayonasia (15/08/2017 18:33)
Asep Camaru (15/06/2017 00:28)
Coffee place
mahlizar safdi (21/04/2017 20:17)
Kedai Kopi para cendekiawan dan para wartawan. Kopinya diolah oleh orang yang berpengalaman dan berdedikasi tinggi terhadap kopi, tempat belajar juga tempat alir informasi tentang kota Takengon.
Khosi Nawwar (10/09/2016 02:26)
Kopi nya enak
joko setiawan (20/11/2015 03:26)
Good job!
coffee tango dagoxs (07/05/2015 20:03)
*coffee* just from gayo
sarhan gayo (27/05/2016 17:26)
Ini kedai kopi gayo asli. Bukan maen-maen ya...
win asep arigayo (18/02/2016 15:28)
Wow, sy rekomendasikan untuk datang ke kedai kopi WRB