Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Bayu Hill Hotel

Aceh Tengah, Aceh
Klasifikasi: Hotel and Villa
Alamat: Jalan Lebe Kader No. 398B, Blang Kolak I, Bebesen, Merah Mersa, Lut Tawar, Merah Mersa, Lut Tawar, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, Aceh 24519, Indonesia
Rating: 3.70
Telp: +62 852-9780-2016

Komentar :

Saffana Syanda (06/04/2018 04:28)
Best hotel ever thers even have a wifi the password is (bayu hill2)

Yang Sky (28/02/2018 02:01)
Mosquitoes in the room, Wi-Fi and toilet not working properly. The view from the restaurant is the only saving grace

argohartono arie raharjo (02/11/2017 16:34)
No hanger or capstock in lavatory. Old scratched furniture. Tv with broken remote control.

Ashabul Yamin (28/04/2017 02:24)
Good and recommended Hotel In Takengon, having Good Service, from the fifth floor can enjoy view of takengon

Fadhil Asqar (27/04/2017 14:08)
The location is in the center of Takengon City. Easy to access a lot of tourism site: 5 minutes from Masjid Ruhama ( Takengon Grand Mosque), 15 minutes from Bur Gayo Mountain, 20-30 minutes from One-One (how to say it : O-ne o-ne) a famous site for Gayonese traditional culinary.

Nabilla Ismed (17/09/2017 15:51)
Just come to attend my sister graduation. Never sleep here, but the interior of the lobby was totally sightseeing

Herry R (18/07/2017 08:24)

Anaz Almansour (14/06/2017 23:44)
Not bad

Asep Camaru (27/04/2017 15:10)
Best Hotel

Jamal Syahlan (22/01/2017 08:11)
Lumayan bagus.. karna viewnya juga danau lut tawar. Walaupun letaknya di tengah kota Takengon.

Soraya Dinamika (27/12/2016 13:50)
Located at the city center, so the accommodation is easy to reach. But the wifi is only available at the lobby, improvement needed on it

Fauzi Pasar Atjeh (24/12/2016 19:41)
jaringan Wifi tersedia, tapi tidak bisa di pakai.
tgl 25 Desember saya nginap di kamar nomer 226 di lantai 2, lampu di kamar tidur ada 3, tapi hanya 1 yg berfungsi

Muhammad Falih (07/12/2016 15:27)
Nothing special

Zen Angkasa (26/07/2016 17:58)
Good view, good service

yusudasa script (15/09/2016 16:01)
Lumayan sih begitu masuk hotel wah,tapi kamar masi kurang bersih untuk hotel yg di bilang masih baru, ok nyamanlah

Alfian Noer (19/08/2016 09:14)
ngga ada ac nya.. tapi dingin banget

Uki Ppangppang (09/07/2016 06:16)
Hotel Yang Strategis di tengah Kota Takengon

Iwan Zinger (15/06/2016 10:35)
Hotel bagus di Takengon

Mawardi Hasan (26/04/2016 04:37)
Hotel yang nyaman di tengah kota Takengon. Pemandangan yang bagus ke Danau Laut Tawar

Jeri (22/01/2016 14:04)
Tempatnya bersih..
Fasilitas lumayan sebanding dengan biaya yang kita keluarkan..

Rohmat Hidayatuloh (26/10/2015 00:03)
Menginap di sini dalam rangka survey pelaksanaan rehabilitasi fasilitas pendidikan di aceh tengah dan bener meriah

Tempat Lainnya :

  1. Bayu Hill Hotel
    Jalan Lebe Kader No. 398B, Blang Kolak I, Bebesen, Merah Mersa, Lut Tawar, Merah Mersa, Lut Tawar, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, Aceh 24519, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 852-9780-2016
    Asir Asir, Lut Tawar, Central Aceh, Aceh 24519, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 626 4324012
  3. Mesra Indah Wisma
    Jl. Lembaga Pertahanan No.93, Blang Kolak I, Bebesen, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, Aceh 24519, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 643 21644
  4. Danau Tawar Laut Wisma
    Jl. Lebe Kader No.33, Kuteni Reje, Lut Tawar, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, Aceh 24519, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 626 4321066
  5. Losmen Timang Rasa
    JL. Empuri Mogan, No. 17 - 19, Bujang, Lut Tawar, Bujang, Lut Tawar, Aceh Pusat, Aceh 24519, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 643 21379
  6. Merah Villa
    JL. Burni Telong, Takengon, Bujang, Lut Tawar, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, Aceh 24519, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 643 22283
  7. Wisma Harapan Jaya
    Jl. Lintang, Lr.Kala Pasir, Keramat Mupakat, Aceh Tengah, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, Aceh 24519, Indonesia
  8. Hotel Linge Land
    Jalan Yos Sudarso No.1001, Takengon, Blang Kolak II, Bebesen, Kemili, Bebesen, Kabupaten Aceh Tengah, Aceh 24471, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 643 22601
  9. Hotel Bunda Reje Bukit
    Simpang Empat, Bebesen, Central Aceh, Aceh 24519, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 643 8001000
  10. Mushola Baitul Mardiah
    Gunung Bukit, Kebayakan, Central Aceh, Aceh 24519, Indonesia
    Telp: +62 852-7601-1118
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