Komentar :
Saffana Syanda (06/04/2018 04:28)
Best hotel ever thers even have a wifi the password is (bayu hill2)
Yang Sky (28/02/2018 02:01)
Mosquitoes in the room, Wi-Fi and toilet not working properly. The view from the restaurant is the only saving grace
argohartono arie raharjo (02/11/2017 16:34)
No hanger or capstock in lavatory. Old scratched furniture. Tv with broken remote control.
Ashabul Yamin (28/04/2017 02:24)
Good and recommended Hotel In Takengon, having Good Service, from the fifth floor can enjoy view of takengon
Fadhil Asqar (27/04/2017 14:08)
The location is in the center of Takengon City. Easy to access a lot of tourism site: 5 minutes from Masjid Ruhama ( Takengon Grand Mosque), 15 minutes from Bur Gayo Mountain, 20-30 minutes from One-One (how to say it : O-ne o-ne) a famous site for Gayonese traditional culinary.
Nabilla Ismed (17/09/2017 15:51)
Just come to attend my sister graduation. Never sleep here, but the interior of the lobby was totally sightseeing
Herry R (18/07/2017 08:24)
Anaz Almansour (14/06/2017 23:44)
Not bad
Asep Camaru (27/04/2017 15:10)
Best Hotel
Jamal Syahlan (22/01/2017 08:11)
Lumayan bagus.. karna viewnya juga danau lut tawar. Walaupun letaknya di tengah kota Takengon.
Soraya Dinamika (27/12/2016 13:50)
Located at the city center, so the accommodation is easy to reach. But the wifi is only available at the lobby, improvement needed on it
Fauzi Pasar Atjeh (24/12/2016 19:41)
jaringan Wifi tersedia, tapi tidak bisa di pakai.
tgl 25 Desember saya nginap di kamar nomer 226 di lantai 2, lampu di kamar tidur ada 3, tapi hanya 1 yg berfungsi
Muhammad Falih (07/12/2016 15:27)
Nothing special
Zen Angkasa (26/07/2016 17:58)
Good view, good service
yusudasa script (15/09/2016 16:01)
Lumayan sih begitu masuk hotel wah,tapi kamar masi kurang bersih untuk hotel yg di bilang masih baru, ok nyamanlah
Alfian Noer (19/08/2016 09:14)
ngga ada ac nya.. tapi dingin banget
Uki Ppangppang (09/07/2016 06:16)
Hotel Yang Strategis di tengah Kota Takengon
Iwan Zinger (15/06/2016 10:35)
Hotel bagus di Takengon
Mawardi Hasan (26/04/2016 04:37)
Hotel yang nyaman di tengah kota Takengon. Pemandangan yang bagus ke Danau Laut Tawar
Jeri (22/01/2016 14:04)
Tempatnya bersih..
Fasilitas lumayan sebanding dengan biaya yang kita keluarkan..
Rohmat Hidayatuloh (26/10/2015 00:03)
Menginap di sini dalam rangka survey pelaksanaan rehabilitasi fasilitas pendidikan di aceh tengah dan bener meriah