Komentar :
christ alfons (14/11/2020 04:07)
Bad room service
Gede Adnyana (26/08/2020 10:00)
In a small town like Karangbaru Aceh Tamiang, this hotel is okay, clean enough, & offered good service. The breakfast is also good enough.
Bg Adsa (08/02/2020 13:38)
Dan enjoy be fund
didi musrizal (16/01/2020 08:53)
nurmila khaira (07/10/2019 18:08)
The bed has flees.. It's just horible????????????
Sabri Basyah (28/09/2019 06:05)
Venue for FGD...
Eques Tenebris (23/05/2017 01:30)
The service is OK. Breakfast is average, sometimes too salty. :-)
What makes me a little dissapointed is the room isn't cleaned everyday. We have to call hotel staff at lobby. :-(
Reuben Blackie (01/12/2016 03:16)
Extremely basic hotel, definitely not "international standard" as some reviews seen to think. Nevertheless, reasonably clean, fairly priced and your best option in karang baru (but you could travel 30 minutes further to Langsa for more options).
No perceptible difference between "deluxe" and "superior", and interestingly the superior rooms are cheaper since they require more stair climbing. Staff are friendly. Breakfast pretty standard. Good coffee.
asep syaf (22/02/2019 20:57)
Good place
Riza Imam (21/12/2018 07:47)
Comfort Hotel
Fifi Afriani (11/11/2018 12:09)
Not bad....
Bay Daem (04/10/2018 14:26)
Nice place to stay...
Bima Np (21/11/2018 16:48)
Bersih dan nyaman
M ULUL AZMI (22/05/2018 09:32)
Kurang nyaman, tidak ada colokan listrik dkat bed. Tidak ada penunjuk arah kiblat di dalam kamar. Kebersihan dan lerapian kamar kurang. Luas kamar lumayan .
Adriansyah Syamsa (12/04/2018 18:07)
Satu satunya hotel yang layak untuk dijadikan sebagai tempat menginap di Aceh Tamiang
Abu Faiz (21/01/2018 08:40)
Kamar bagus, pelayanan dari karyawan kelas pekerja dan sales. Jumlah kamar kurang, sehingga sering tidak kebagian
EA Gaming (05/01/2018 12:06)
Hotel good
Muhammad Zulham (24/03/2017 17:43)
Guntur Ardhana (27/09/2017 04:08)
Tempat strategis
Oki Gunanta (23/08/2017 07:29)
Hotel bersih dan nyaman. WiFi cepat.
mukas abu (13/07/2017 03:06)
Tempat nya nyaman..parkir luas..dan adem...cocok untuk berbagai pelatihan...
Yushita Marini, SE (01/05/2017 03:01)
Tempat yang tenang untuk beristirahat disela perjalanan panjang Medan - Banda Aceh.
Mulyadi Abdul Muthalib (18/02/2017 03:21)
Mantap dan murah
TV Broek (04/02/2017 03:45)
Hotel yang mantap u sebuah kabupaten
Muhammad Nasir (20/01/2017 04:50)
Ruang pertemuan, resto, suasana.
Mawardi Hasan (26/06/2016 11:35)
Nyaman dan bersih.
Karsino Karsi (14/02/2015 22:44)
Mantap sekali
Zoelham Syahyusuf (26/09/2014 17:07)
nyaman untuk istirahat setelah lelah menjalani tugas keseharian.