Komentar :
Fadlun Maros (19/05/2018 13:21)
Comfortable. Air conditioned, with peaceful environment. One of few mosques in this town with crowded Shubuh Jamaah.
Abdul Halim Barus (06/05/2018 11:55)
Mesjid bersih dan nyaman sehingga membuat jamaah lebih fokus beribadah dan area parkir mesjid ini cukup memadai, sehingga kendaraan jamaah tidak membuat arus lalu lintas disekitar lokasi terganggu.
Fauzan Ghali (14/04/2018 02:52)
Masjid ini adalah salah satu masjid yang paling nyaman di kota Medan. Parkirannya cukup memadai, kamar mandi dan tempat wudhu juga baik, dan areanya juga lumayan luas karena punya sekolah di sebelahnya. Suasana juga tenang karena berada di dalam komplek. Secara keseluruhan sangat baik sebagai tempa ibadah.
Okky Tojib (29/04/2017 11:52)
Clean, comfortable and has Ustadz & muadzin with extraordinary beautiful voice. The mosque is actively organizing many interesting events, such as Quran recitation for youngsters, taudziah for female and male adults separately, etc. Another notable event is that every Sunday morning (except on certain event, e. g. during Ramadhan, Idul Fitr, etc.) there's consistently morning taudziah after morning praying and followed by breakfast together. There's a new small mini market opened recently, which is also running by the mosque.
Alfan H Nur (30/05/2016 10:42)
old masjid but yet one of the most comfortable in the city, build in era 90's