Komentar :
Muhammad Ismail (11/03/2018 11:15)
Hari Kuang (18/02/2018 12:15)
Inconsistent taste, UNFRIENDLY SERVICE and questionable cleanliness.
The last time I was here, I ordered a prawn menu and they cooked it wrong,
what they did was clean up the prawns and recooked it for me ... and it tasted weird and the residual ingredients from the previous cooking could be seen.
It was rather disgusting!
Nahyatunnisa Harahap (19/01/2018 08:24)
Suka.. Kalo ke bsm pasti makan disini, ga ada pilihan lain. Suka rasa teh manis nya, aromanya Enak dan yang penting gratis, hahahaha...
Muhayya Syukran (30/11/2017 09:58)
Promo free nasi dan sambalnya sudah habis.
Edy Putra (02/06/2017 14:25)
Santai oke dgn suasana yg tidak berisik.. binjai punya resto BSM area
#bakmieseafood #kailantiram #cumisaosmongolian #eslemontea #eslomentea
Bell Xhu (10/09/2017 19:52)
nasi nya enak harga oke
Aldi Fernando (19/06/2017 14:05)
pilihan menu bervariasi dan enak semua
Sesilia Yu (19/06/2017 00:25)
Joko Priono [Mr.JePe] (11/05/2017 00:45)
Aneka hidangan dengan nasi dan yeh manis yang gratis
Veronica Velyassa (17/04/2017 15:22)
Makanannya enak
Menteng Square (26/03/2017 06:00)
Andrew Cristian (19/02/2017 16:29)
Enk tmptny ccok buat brkumpul
Ekadjaya Deddy Suprayogi (14/12/2016 03:19)
Best deh
Alfi Syahrin Nur (05/11/2016 19:30)
Enak tapi ya mahal