Komentar :
Daniel Tri Ramadhan (31/10/2020 04:55)
The service is friendly, but the facilities do not match the price. The room has no lock, the bathroom is perforated. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.
Wahyu MK (19/10/2020 00:39)
Actually the location of this hotel is quite convenient as a place to rest but it is a bit far from where to buy food needs because the hotel itself is not available.
Perhaps (my guess) hotel occupancy rates in Calang City are generally low. Less guests visiting to stay in this city so the hotel management is as it is.
However, if you need a place to rest on your way, it's good to try to stop and stay overnight without expecting more facilities.
Fira Maghfirah (12/01/2020 05:27)
Saya baru check in k sini.iya...beneran buruk...penjaganya jutek..kurang ramah...bayar mahal....
Riski Anisa (07/01/2020 14:19)
Tidak rekomended, kamar mahal fasilitas nol, tidak ada kunci kamar lagi, resepsionis kayak mak lampir, kondom dibuang sembarangan, gak di bersihin kamarnya tempat tidur alakadar, lemari rusak, harga 200 ribu pakek kipas angin serba buruk lh pokoknya , terpaksa aja nginap disini next time gak laku lah nginap disini lagi 👎👎👎👎
Hazful Maizi (25/11/2019 12:30)
Not bad for a single night stopover
Ahmad Mukminin (23/08/2019 15:28)
Aulia Rahman Putra (12/03/2019 01:29)
Expensive and low quality
SAMSUDIN HJ Samsudin (11/06/2018 20:40)
Excellent and so perfect
Syahadat Balledy (29/05/2018 15:10)
Tempatnya strategis di pusat kota Aceh jaya, kota calang...!!!
Ir Hikmatullah (05/05/2018 07:52)
Tidak bagus
Tristan R (01/05/2018 09:44)
Tempat istirahat apabila kecapekan dalam perjalanan
MUHAMMAD NUR (18/04/2018 18:16)
Go Dil (01/04/2018 03:21)
Kangen sma ibu
Juanda (06/03/2018 11:39)
Pantai barat yg indah...cocok buat wisata kluarga dan mancing.
Marwan Siregar (10/12/2017 14:07)
Erman Munawar (06/12/2017 01:17)
Hotelnya asik nyaman untuk bermalam..
muhammad ali (04/11/2017 13:16)
dekat dengan laut dan suasana tidak bising
Muhammad Imaduddin (01/09/2017 06:43)
Kamar kelihatan tua dengan kamar mandi tidak ada kunci, begitu juga jendela. Kebersihan kamar mandi harus diperhatikan.
chandra irani (15/08/2017 01:49)
Nuansa Old Style, lokasi strategis, dekat dengan kuliner, kebersihan harap ditingkatkan