Komentar :
Arif Sentana (08/03/2018 01:04)
I think the only place where Jogja gudeg is sold in Banda Aceh, the taste would make you remember Jogja, the tempe or tahu bacem, sambal krecek, gudeg, beef and chicken soto, fried chicken head, and ayam kecap. But the thing this place famous of is the Sosis Solo a juicy chicken meat covered with egg making it looks like Risoles, you can only get that if you go there before 11 AM, otherwise it quickly runs out. But it worth it.
risna ray (08/03/2018 00:33)
When you eat gudek or rawon from here, I believe you will feel like home
Adilla Fina (26/07/2017 00:48)
delicious javanese food, but the place is small
Galang Bagus Cendana (18/01/2017 05:34)
If you love gudeg this is the only one at banda aceh
สายจิตร ขุนศักดา comedy channel talking (09/01/2017 12:07)
Poppular food is afganistan
GWH Entertainment (09/09/2016 16:49)
Good choice for javanesse food
Kurnia Gilang Ramadhana (31/07/2017 09:37)
Feels like home :)
Tuty Handayani Tuty (13/04/2017 07:32)
Makannya puas,enak
de dek (21/03/2017 20:21)
Gudeg terenak di Banda Aceh. Gudegnya udah menyesuaikan dengn cita rasa lidah lokal yang sedikit pedas. Wajib nyobain risol isi dan es teh manisnya yang uenak buanget.
Arwan Widhianto (10/01/2017 13:27)
Obat kangen masakan Jawa.. Ketika hidup di perantauan.. Thx Bu Joko..
yudi armanda (10/10/2016 12:05)
Warung dgn makanan khas jawa yg sedikit sudah beradaptasi dgn cita rasa sumatera yg pedas. Gudeg bu Joko enak, Juga tersedia risol isi daging yg paling laris, soto ayam dan dagingnya jg maknyus, bagi yg suka oseng2 dan rawon kadang2 juga ada disini. Jam makan siang adalah saat paling padat, namun jika datang diluar jam tsb, kemungkinan lauk dan masakan yg enak juga udah habis.
Giyarhadi Wahada (09/09/2016 16:49)
Good choice for javanesse food
cash sketsa (02/01/2016 13:59)
Sega gudeg paleng maknyussss sak aceh