Komentar :
Tamira van Wermeskerken (24/02/2018 12:36)
1 star for the view, which is the only good thing about this place. Food isn't good, just spicy. The fried chicken is merely bone and some skin, and is ridiculously overpriced (15.000 rp/ piece). Service was slow and not particularly friendly. There are only 2 dishes, some fried chicken bones, and some rawit infused sauce available. Wouldn't recommend it unless you like spicy overpriced food to go with a good view. (Edited a spelling mistake)
Arief Mashudi (31/08/2017 05:00)
Delicious food and beauty panorama
Shanaz makrufa (02/07/2017 02:11)
Good view and tasty food. But the waiters are not so friendly
Desi Andari Prawitasari (04/05/2017 23:33)
You should try Ayam Tangkap Menu!!
Alma Aletta, MD, MPH (16/02/2017 09:08)
Acehnese style chicken curry, duck curry, fish stew, deep fried chicken, and drinks such as coconut water, cucumber drinks, and ice tea.
Nurshabah Arif Rahman (08/10/2017 06:19)
Cozy place, quite..
faiz surfing (30/06/2017 12:18)
Tempat ini merupakan tempat favorit karena terletak dipinggir sawah dan menyediakan masakan khas aceh rayek seperti kuah belangong, ayam masak aceh dan lain - lain.
IQBAL HARAHAP (10/02/2017 13:13)
wajib makan dibanda aceh
Teuku Marzuki (20/11/2016 07:42)
yudi armanda (08/10/2016 04:04)
Warung nasi khas Aceh Besar dengan menu utama Gulai Ayam bumbu khas desa kaye leu, ikan paya (ikan air tawar), dan juga ayam goreng yang enak. Pada jam sibuk, akan sulit mendapat tempat duduk dan harus mengantri.
Jan Briers (08/12/2015 04:11)
Had a stop here on the way to the airport. Food is great. The deep fried chicken is delicious!!!
Ricko Kurniawan (16/10/2015 07:52)
Ayam goreng, ayam gulainya enak. Kopinya juga. Pemandangan sawah dengan padi terhampar luas