Komentar :
RIZQI SHAFRIYALDI (25/03/2018 13:09)
Best quality pancake 👍👍
IRMADAYANI RAY (25/03/2018 13:09)
If you searching place for relaxing, this is one of that places.
Risa Rahma Putri (26/01/2018 06:36)
Their pasta and pancakes are good. :9
Khairil Razali (02/01/2018 11:32)
I enjoyed food and drink. The service was good and quick.
Ridha Mufthi (03/10/2017 09:55)
An alternative for whom love the king of fruit pancake, tasty and lovely, and of course from food perspective but on the other hand the service and the place is not good enough for everyone because of the price.
Aries Saputra (31/10/2017 10:40)
Good place if you have idea where do wanna go,.
Iqbal Haekal (08/10/2017 09:48)
Atim Taufiq (08/07/2017 06:15)
Nurul Fadhilah (30/06/2017 09:29)
Good, confort, nice
rahmi hayyan (24/04/2017 12:06)
Smua menu'a maknyoss n harga'a sangat murah..the best utk qeez pancake👍
Aliasuddin N Rihat (12/04/2017 10:13)
Pancake Restaurant
Lubena Lulu (24/03/2017 16:13)
Menu makanan nya enak dan harga terjangkau..
Irfan Harahap (23/02/2017 01:20)
Pesanan cepat
Ahmad Zaki (17/02/2017 11:32)
Menunya variatif..
dian klana (04/09/2016 08:25)
Tempat yg bagus untuk berkumpul dengan keluarga atau orang terdekat dan juga menyediakan permainan untuk anak-anak
ArchiTe Studio (17/05/2016 12:07)
Favorite Pancake Shop
is moed (15/09/2015 12:24)
Nice place to meet someone to chit chat, little cozy i think. yups i feel... now more space for area parking.
Iqbal Hafidh (02/09/2016 23:53)
Pancake Durian sedapp
M. Ihsan (24/08/2016 07:21)
Sapi lada hitamnya mantap 👍
Të Rëzä Mäulänä (17/05/2016 12:07)
Favorite Pancake Shop
Surya Gemilang (05/07/2015 12:16)
Makanannya enak, pelayanan baik, bersih dan pantas untuk dinikmati
Harga ekonomis... salam SGP