Komentar :
Rental Motor Banda Aceh (19/01/2018 05:23)
Suhra Ilyas (09/12/2017 04:56)
They are among pioneers of Aceh noodle (or better named as Aceh Laksa). Started their business about 40 years ago, they are quite professional and understand their business in and out. Their laksa rocks our tastebud and drag us to return to their shop regularly. This shop is in close proximity to Pade Hotel, so it is very convenient to travellers who choose to stay at this hotel.
Hasan Udin (14/10/2017 13:21)
Mei Razali salah satu pilihan kuliner bagi peikmat mie terutama mie Aceh... Sambil kongkow dan berdiskusi nikmatilah mie razali...enaaaaak.
Tomex Iskandar (24/09/2017 06:19)
Good Acehnese noodles with crabs and prawns.
Farhan Muchtar (18/06/2017 06:49)
Delicious noodle
Putra Husman (09/10/2017 05:37)
Mie nya mantap
Novianta Kuswandi (30/08/2017 22:16)
Walaupun di kios sederhana. Mie kuahnya layak dicoba.
Ilyas Kaoy (30/08/2017 08:55)
Mie razali enak dan lezat, cabang Peunayong
Sofian Syah (18/12/2016 14:17)
Mie goreng nya siiip
agus fajri bin na (22/09/2016 01:30)
Enak, tapi tradisi orang Aceh makan mie yang di pusat. Gak cabangnya
Blue Sky (05/09/2016 04:18)
Kurang meriah tidak sama seperti yang di Peunayong
agus fajri bin najamuddin (22/09/2016 01:30)
Enak, tapi tradisi orang Aceh makan mie yang di pusat. Gak cabangnya