Komentar :
Akhir syahputra (28/05/2018 05:43)
Tempat yg nyaman buat mengisi waktu liburan.. bersih.. pantai yg indah dan suasana yg menyenangkan
kemal rianda (02/05/2018 17:08)
Cozy place, nice food and view
Ikhwansyah Iwan (30/04/2018 02:12)
Good and nice place
jimmy sn (24/02/2018 16:01)
Piece of heaven @ Banda Aceh Beach
mixh xeon (17/02/2018 11:41)
Nice place to relax and enjoying sunset
Agus Fernanda (17/02/2018 08:16)
Cozy place
Juferdy Juferdy (12/12/2017 04:24)
Nice view nice sea breeze beautiful ambience
Reco O (28/01/2017 16:55)
I, like others, enjoyed the view of this place. It was truly charming.
The only issue was that their beds had bed bugs. The room we stayed in was the very last one on the slopes, attached a picture so you can be sure to avoid it. Agree the toilet and shower can be improved.
We might go back just for a drink.
muh ajir (05/10/2017 15:03)
View nya mantap
muhammad nawalis (12/09/2017 08:32)
Pantai dengan ombak yang besar
Sangat cocok bagi yang hobi olahraga air
Zulfikar Bazarie (28/08/2017 02:20)
Nice place
Silfana Nasri (30/04/2017 17:01)
Semoga pantainya bisa lebih bersih
Harris Munandar (04/04/2017 07:18)
Tempat melihat sunset yang romantis
muhammad hizbullah (09/02/2017 21:17)
Tempatnya surfer
Zulhidayat Ay (16/12/2016 13:50)
Jauh dari riuh kota. Tempat bagus untuk sunset. Bersih.
fardian syahreza (13/12/2016 13:23)
Tempat yg rekomendasi utk menikmati suasana pantai sambil menunggu matahati tenggelam