Komentar :
Teuku Hasrullizar (20/06/2018 00:39)
Very clean, great location
Yanuri Anugrahani (04/01/2018 12:33)
Nice place to sleep...
Kamarullah Gani (24/12/2017 14:03)
The hotel is located at the good spot since it is near to the main hospital of Banda Aceh, coffee shops, markets, and banks.
teri hendra (22/11/2017 01:33)
Indratno Pardiansyach (28/10/2017 15:13)
The hotel was newly open. The location is also reachable, nearby the city center. Easily to find food around the area.
Farhan Muchtar (05/05/2017 00:31)
Brandnew hotel
andika mayfit akbar (04/11/2017 03:25)
Baru bagus
Murad Effendi (09/10/2017 03:30)
Mohon dibantu nomer telp Hotel Poma, kami ada rencana menginap tgl. 13 Oktober - besok. Terima kasih.
zakaria se (08/09/2017 04:25)
Pelayanan lumayan ramah. Tersedia lift utk ke lantai 3. Kamar lumayan bersih. Kamar superior b tdk ada air hangat dan kamar mandi tdk ada washtafel. Kebersihan toilet perlu ditingkatkan.
Ami Rizki Nanda (16/06/2017 11:36)
hotel / penginapan. di depan rumah sakit RSUZA