Komentar :
Ruli Winanta (10/02/2018 19:11)
For Rp.750.000, i expected more.. they doesnt even have carpet on their alley, making step heard in the room. And no central Air Condition, thus made the room hot when the card pulled off, bad idea since my room (and probably most of the rooms) are directly hited by sun
Silfana Nasri (04/09/2017 17:51)
Good building but hard to find parking space
Amit Shukla (29/08/2017 13:44)
Asep Yudi (11/03/2017 13:39)
Nice hotel, March 2017 still under renovation in some area
frostburne 78 (21/11/2016 14:16)
Nice hotel rooms, but as of mid November 2016, it's still doing construction. Come 7 a.m., the builders will start working. Very noisy. Avoid rooms with 01 ending as they are closest to the noise source.
Rahmad Akbar (10/07/2017 08:40)
Sedang renovasi
Gamin Gessa (06/06/2017 21:36)
This hotel has a strategis place
Guide Adventure Aceh (07/04/2017 18:23)
pelayanan nya bagus . dan ada outbound nya
agus yulianto (29/03/2017 16:37)
Bersih, rapih dan strategis
Anjelita Malik (21/11/2016 14:16)
Nice hotel rooms, but as of mid November 2016, it's still doing construction. Come 7 a.m., the builders will start working. Very noisy. Avoid rooms with 01 ending as they are closest to the noise source.
Khalifa al Ard (01/08/2016 01:57)
Booking kamarny kgk ribet.
Niar Rayn (07/09/2014 04:40)
iloveaceh (28/05/2016 22:46)
Salah satu guest house yang memiliki konsep syariah di pusat kota Banda Aceh.