Komentar :
Munauwarah Mawar (24/04/2018 13:43)
Stasionary yang complit. Sampe kebutuhan rumah tangga juga tersedia. Ada beberapa ATM juga disini
Jr. Han's (02/02/2018 14:02)
Toko pernak-pernik sekaligus keperluan rumah super lengkap
anzaranger (26/12/2017 07:46)
Tingkatkan pelayanan
Suhra Ilyas (27/11/2017 07:24)
This retail is famous for their large variety of items on their shelves. From umbrella to sandals and shoes, scissors to note books, variety of pens and pencils, you name it. It is very helpful for parents who want to get small items for their kid's school assignment or for students who want to buy gifts for their friends. Youy may not find the specific item you need but this shop has a hell lot of items University students usually need. Sometime, the saying "you get what you pay" does not apply here, because good quality products are sold at bargain price here.
sofia nurvita (15/11/2017 15:42)
Tempat yg asyik utk belanja ATK
Apon Bahrainy (19/10/2017 23:14)
Barang nya lumayan lengkap dengan harga terjangkau.
Rizki Fantasi (15/03/2017 12:14)
bnyk pilihan brng...
maya khairunnisa (26/03/2017 04:24)
Banyak mainan untuk anak2
Afzal Adian (23/03/2017 08:21)
Murah dan lengkap...